The Telegram (St. John's)

Solo spring activities to consider while you’re socially distancing


With social distancing top of mind for Atlantic Canadians, many of us will be welcoming spring weather solo this year.

Although things may seem doomy and gloomy now, the Coronaviru­s won’t stop the birds from chirping, the flowers from blooming, or the spring sun from shining in our windows. It just means we’ll all have to get a little more creative with the ways we take advantage of spring this year.

Here are a few solo activities you can take part in to enjoy the spring outdoors.


Being cooped up inside all day is challengin­g for many of us, but remember, social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t leave the house. As long as you’re in good health, make time for a nice walk or hike outside. Listen to your favourite songs or podcasts, or just enjoy the sounds of nature as you exercise and feel the warm sun on your face.


Spring cleaning waits for no one! Get out there and enjoy a little fresh air while tidying your yard. By checking this item off your list, you’ll feel a sense of accomplish­ment, plus have a clean yard to spend time in when you need to get out of the house.


While the streets are quiet and most folks are staying home, it’s a great time to pick up some gar-bage around your neighbourh­ood. Of course, remember to always wear gloves when handling trash. The environmen­t will thank you!


For those of us who are lucky enough to have a furry friend, take advantage of their company and go on as many walks as possible. We promise, they don’t know what social distancing means and they’re just excited to have you home more, so why not make their day and head out for a lap around the block?


Keeping our spirits high is very important this month, so make time for the things you enjoy. Whether it’s playing catch in the yard, reading on the step or practicing yoga in the sun, many ac-tivities can be taken outdoors to make the most of the shift in weather.


Slow down your day by making a nice cup of tea and settling down to watch the sunset each even-ing. You’ll be surprised how calming and reassuring it can be. No matter what, the sun will come out tomorrow.

 ??  ?? There is so much beauty all around us. This month many have found comfort and inspiratio­n in the sensationa­l spring sunsets that stretched across the region. This is what the late-day sky looked like when Barb Williams stepped outside her home in Blandford, N.S.
There is so much beauty all around us. This month many have found comfort and inspiratio­n in the sensationa­l spring sunsets that stretched across the region. This is what the late-day sky looked like when Barb Williams stepped outside her home in Blandford, N.S.

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