The Telegram (St. John's)

20 questions


1 .What is your full name?

Justin Gerard Nurse.

2 . Where were you born?

St. John’s

3 . Where do you live today?

St. John’s.

4 . What’s your favourite place in the world?

Having been to over 65 countries while working on cruise ships I have a lot of reference for this one. The most beautiful place I’ve ever seen is the Norwegian fjords. The Greek islands are unreal, the British and U.S. Virgin Islands will take your breath away. My favourite place? Same as where I was born and where I live now.

5 . Who do you follow on social media?

All the “Star Trek” pages, Marvel, political pages, Jon Stewart, Justin Trudeau, local artists like Dana Parsons (hilarious) as well as friends in “Come From Away,” Petrina Bromley and Romano Dinillo.

6 . What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I find social scenarios very stressful and I’m always nervous when I perform. It’s part of the reason I love it so much; it’s a rush.

7 . What’s been your favourite year and why?

2015 and 2016, the years my girls Ella and Jozie were born. Literally, no contest.

8 . What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

I had back surgery four years ago. Leading up, the chronic pain I was in was epic. It put all other things into a new perspectiv­e.

9 . Can you describe one experience that changed your life?

A high school friend “forced” me to audition for the Holy Heart of Mary chamber choir, which led to so many great friendship­s and experience­s. From college to “Mamma Mia!” to travelling the world and finally my bands Stixx and Stones and 709, it all began with that one day.

10 . What’s your greatest indulgence?

Miss Vickie’s salt and vinegar chips. I have to plan when I indulge, otherwise I’d be face and eyes into it all the time!

11 . What is your favourite movie or book?

Impossible to choose. I’m a huge movie buff. It would depend on what genre and period. Some top choices might be “Forrest Gump,” “Lawrence of Arabia,” “Wrath of Kahn,” “ET.”

12 . How do you like to relax?

Like anyone else with kids in this current state of existence, I have a very little time for relaxing. However, when I do, I want nothing more than to share a couch with my wife, Aimee, and watch one of our favorite shows while playing Scrabble, either online or in real life. I know. Nerd.

13 . What are you reading or watching right now?

“Legion,” “This is Us,” Walking Dead,” a lot of Disney+, especially the newest nature programmin­g they have. I just finished reading “Old Man’s War” and “The Ghost Brigades” by John Scalzi. Lots of fun there!

14 . What is your greatest fear?

I fear fire, having started one in my Dad’s house as a child, and heights, but my greatest fear is for the world. It seems people can no longer have a difference of opinion without rage and hurling insults. It’s like we’re all in our cars yelling at people cutting us off, except now we can be heard by everyone.

15 . How would you describe your personal fashion statement?

Wishing it was 1994 most days but for a big event, I want to be Frank Sinatra.

16 . What is your most treasured possession?

I don’t think I have a “thing” I treasure. People and memories, those, I treasure.

17 . What physical or personalit­y trait are you most grateful to a parent for?

That grateful list is too long for both my parents. My sense of family, love, humour, love of music/theatre and singing, friendship, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

18 . What three people would join you for your dream dinner party?

Captains Kirk, Picard and Janeway and Hugh Jackman, I think we’d be buds.

19 . What is your best quality, and what is your worst quality?

I’m creative, I think that may be my best quality. Even when I have no idea what I’m going to do next, somehow an idea will drop in. My worst quality is that I often over-commit. I’ll take on 100 projects at a time. Somehow, it always works out.

20 . What’s your biggest regret?

I have made mistakes, somethings I’d not say or not do, but all of my errors lead me to where I am now and I wouldn’t risk any of these realities for some sort of alternate timeline.

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