The Telegram (St. John's)



I have been around politics since the time of Joey Smallwood and knew all of the premiers since by their first name. Today I am totally disgusted by politics. Instead of things getting better they are getting much worse. We are in the worst state this province has been in since the depression. We have had to deal with the pandemic COVID-19 and have survived. We had 261 cases and three died. In that time according to Canadian Cancer Society 957 would have been diagnosed with cancer (in normal times) and 381 would have died, yet we have had our hospitals shut down, just in case of COVID19. What about the other people? Don’t they matter? As I am writing this I have been watching (independen­t MHAS) Eddie Joyce and Paul Lane talking about the sick people and people dying in their districts and trying to get it put on the agenda. The most important thing this House should be doing now is making sure that hospitals are opened today so that our sick and dying can be looked after with some dignity. The other crisis is our financial crises that we are placing on our children and grandchild­ren and are continuing to do every day. These are the two main things the House should debate first. As to Joyce and Lane, whom I have a lot of respect for, the people in their district did not vote for the Liberals, PCS or NDP because they are the people who represente­d them the best. I just wish I was so lucky to have them to represent me. On Tuesday the House debated a change to the Forestry Act, which is not of much value to the people who are dying. To all parties, get your priorities straight. That’s what we put you in there for. People have died today while you were debating forestry issues. Capt. Wilfred Bartlett (Ret’d.) Conception Bay South

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