The Telegram (St. John's)

Pandemic Day 86: what we’ve learned so far

- MARTHA MUZYCHKA socialnote­ @Stjohnstel­egram Martha Muzychka is a writer and consultant in St. John’s.

By the time you read this, it will be Day 86 of living in this province with pandemic measures, or at least since a public-health emergency order was issued on March 18. June 25 will mark Day 100. When my child was in school, there was a tradition to celebrate the 100th day of school. Children brought treats, teachers planned special activities, and everyone celebrated the various milestones that brought them to this singular date. Even though we aren’t that magical date just yet, it’s interestin­g to look back and see what’s happened along the way. Here are 10 things I think are significan­t. 1. We’ve learned to wash our hands and be careful about infection, contaminat­ion and illness. While I miss the hugs from friends, I am not sorry to lose the handshake as a greeting. I really like the greater respect for personal boundaries from people I do not know well or those I do not know at all. 2. We have started to foster and support self-reliance. I don’t mean going off grid (although I am sure there are some who are). I’m talking about picking up skills that will serve us well in the future: sewing, gardening, cooking, home repair, etc. These skills connect us to our homes, to the earth, to ourselves and to each other. 3. We have seen clearly how creativity, innovation and imaginatio­n are key to success. The public-health measures have limited our movement, but they have opened the door to new ways of thinking and doing. 4. We are redefining key aspects of our lives: how we share, how we organize, how we meet, how we learn, how we work, how we socialize, how we give. Connection is more than reliable Wi-fi access. People are finding ways to work safely together. While the online environmen­t facilitate­s virtual meeting, there is still stuff that needs to happen offline, like soup kitchens and food pantries. 5. There was always talk about work-life balance before the pandemic. The shift to home-based work environmen­ts has brought out in stark relief some of the continuing inequities and social expectatio­ns we have about home responsibi­lities, parenting, and caregiving. It’s also challenged us to think differentl­y about work expectatio­ns, schedules and resources. 6. Speaking of which — universal child care. Haven’t we seen the value of this by now? I can’t recall seeing so many new converts to this (not-new-at-all!) idea. The issue of women’s role is still prominent. We need to address the she-cession and focus on shecovery when women are leaving the work force because balancing work and childcare is not possible. 7. There was always talk before the pandemic on how to reach and support vulnerable population­s. The pandemic has shown us how marginaliz­ed these population­s are when new services are based on online access. We’ve also seen the hidden and implicit biases in these social systems. We cannot go back to “normal” because normal doesn’t work for them, or if we are honest, or us either. 8. Before the pandemic, even with campaigns to promote mental wellness and reduce stigma, we still found it hard to talk about how we were feeling mentally. It’s been a positive sign that people are sharing their need to step back, to take breaks, to re-energize, or to connect, to be in a group (while being physically distant). People who have lots of family in their space need silence; people living alone need to hear other voices. 9. We appreciate our small businesses. My circle, no doubt like many of you, includes people who run small enterprise­s, and the last three months have been very challengin­g. Support your local companies, and the services they provide and goods they sell. Tip generously as you go back to local restaurant­s, salons, and personal care. 10. Kindness is contagious. Yes, this novel coronaviru­s is highly infectious, and yes, it’s scary. So, too, are the darker corners of social media; flicking through local Twitter can sap your goodwill. But I have been so impressed with the kindness I’ve seen. Simple gestures. Warm words. Appeals for help that are eagerly met. Rekindled connection­s. That’s my list. I’d love to know about yours.

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