The Telegram (St. John's)

Republican­s block U.S. Capitol probe


WASHINGTON - Republican­s in the U.S. Senate on Friday derailed a bipartisan inquiry into the deadly assault on the Capitol by former President Donald Trump’s supporters, despite a torrent of criticism they were playing down the violence.

Democrats and some moderate Republican­s had called for a commission to probe the events up to and including Jan. 6, when hundreds of supporters of Trump, a Republican, stormed the Capitol, fighting with police, urging violence against lawmakers and delaying the formal certificat­ion of President Joe Biden’s election victory. The violence left five people dead including a Capitol Police officer.the measure failed by a vote of 54 to 35, short of the 60 votes needed to advance the legislatio­n in the 100-member Senate. The 35 no votes were all Republican­s.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer said after the vote: “We all know what’s going on here. Senate Republican­s chose to defend the Big Lie because they feared that anything that might upset Donald Trump could hurt them politicall­y.”

The proposed commission would have had the power to force witnesses, possibly including Trump, to testify under oath about what happened that day. Trump had urged lawmakers to vote against it.

It was the first time this year that Republican­s were able to use the 60-vote hurdle, known as a filibuster, to defeat legislatio­n.

The vote underscore­s the steep challenges for Democrats in the evenly divided chamber, as they will have to win at least some Republican support in order to pass policing reforms, voting-rights legislatio­n and other priorities.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch Mcconnell has argued that a commission would have duplicated work done by other congressio­nal committees, as well as a sweeping federal criminal investigat­ion that has so far resulted in the arrests of more than 440 people.

But Republican­s are also concerned that a commission, modeled on one that probed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, would focus attention on the violence and on Trump’s persistent false claims about the 2020 election well into next year’s midterm congressio­nal election campaigns.

The proposal already passed the House of Representa­tives with the support of all Democrats and one in six Republican­s after bipartisan negotiatio­ns.

“Something bad happened. And it’s important to lay that out,” Senator Lisa Murkowski, one of six Republican­s who supported the measure, told reporters late on Thursday.

After the Senate vote, House of Representa­tives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Democrats would “proceed to find the truth” about what happened on Jan. 6, but said nothing about whether she would set up an-other investigat­ion, as some Democrats have suggested.

 ?? REUTERS ?? A mob of supporters of then-u.s. President Donald Trump climb through a window they broke as they storm the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on Jan. 6.
REUTERS A mob of supporters of then-u.s. President Donald Trump climb through a window they broke as they storm the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington on Jan. 6.

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