The Telegram (St. John's)

Mixed vaccines approval could hit Astrazenec­a


OTTAWA — An official panel on Tuesday said people who received a first shot of Astrazenec­a PLC’S COVID19 vaccine can choose to receive a different shot for their second dose, dealing another potential blow to the pharmaceut­ical giant.

Theresa Tam, Canada’s chief public health officer, said one reason for the recommenda­tion by the National Advisory Committee on Immunizati­on (NACI) was concern about rare and potentiall­y fatal blood clots linked to the Astrazenec­a vaccine.

“If it weren’t for that, then probably one would progress with giving the same (vaccine) as a second dose,” she told reporters, adding Canada was following the example of others.

NACI said Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Spain and Sweden, citing the risk of clots, were already offering second doses from Moderna Inc. or Pfizer Inc. to people who had received their first shots from Astrazenec­a.

“It is good news that people now have the choice,” said Tam.

NACI also said the vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna could be used interchang­eably.

Astrazenec­a was not immediatel­y available for comment.

Tam said that as the pace of vaccinatio­ns picked up, the number of new daily cases was steadily dropping. It is now below 2,700, some 70 per cent below the peak earlier this year.

Some major provinces are gradually lifting restrictio­ns linked to COVID-19 while others still face challenges.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is leaning strongly against reopening schools that have been shut since mid-april, the Toronto Star and CTV said on Tuesday.

Canada has so far reported a total of 25,547 deaths and 1,381,582 cases.

Separately, Statistics Canada said the epidemic had cut life expectancy by 0.41 years for both men and women, taking it back to 2013 levels.

 ?? CARLOS OSORIO • REUTERS ?? The National Advisory Committee on Immunizati­on has decided Canadians can choose not to have a second dose of the Astrazenec­a vaccine and that mixing the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is also acceptable.
CARLOS OSORIO • REUTERS The National Advisory Committee on Immunizati­on has decided Canadians can choose not to have a second dose of the Astrazenec­a vaccine and that mixing the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is also acceptable.

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