The Telegram (St. John's)

20 questions


1 . What is your full name?

William Todd Perrin. My dad’s name is Will, so it was just simpler to not have two Wills in the house. (Laughs.)

2 . Where were you born?

In St. John’s at the Grace (Hospital).

3 . Where do you live today?

In St. John’s, on Water Street.

4 . Who do you follow on social media?

Mostly other chefs and restaurant­s. Whomever I’m interested in. I’m not one of these people that only follows 10 or 15 people . ... I follow people who follow me who have similar interests.

5 . What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Maybe that I can play the piano and sing a little bit.

6 . What has been your favourite year and why?

Maybe a little strange answer, but I’m betting that 2022 is going to be my favourite year. Because I’m feeling like we’re going to survive these last couple of years and come out of it stronger. I’m betting that this year will be my favourite one.

7 . What is the hardest thing you’ve ever done?

It’s a long list . ... I think trying to maintain a normal life while running the businesses that I run is a challenge every day, and it has been from the beginning. It’s an ongoing challenge.

8 . Can you describe one experience that changed your life?

The best answer is doing “Top Chef Canada.” When I did “Top Chef” the first time (Editor’s note: Perrin also appeared in Season 5 in 2017), that experience changed my life, because I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing today if I had not done that TV show. Outside of becoming a dad, that would probably be the most life-changing experience that I had.

9 . What is your greatest indulgence?

I own a restaurant! (Laughs.) Wining and dining and getting to do that. I like good food and I like good wine.

10 . What is your favourite movie or book?

I’m a big fan of “The Untouchabl­es” movie (a 1987 crime drama set in the Prohibitio­n-era). In terms of books, I’m more of a reader of news magazines and stuff like that.

11 . What do you like to listen to?

I pretty much listen to every style of music that there is. I’m pretty big into jazz these days. I find it’s the kind of music I can have on while I’m working and relax. If it’s good music, I like it — it doesn’t matter what it is.

12 . How do you like to relax?

For me, just sitting around with friends and enjoying a glass of wine and just talking. I don’t really have any hobbies. I love gardening. I do that for work, obviously. I do a bit of carpentry and build things. Those are the things that are connected to my job that relax me. But really, just sitting down with some nice music and dim lights, some candles and some good friends, just having a good glass of wine, that’s my most relaxing moment.

13 . What are you reading or watching right now?

I’m currently watching (TV espionage thriller) “Homeland.” ... We’re into Season 3 now, I think.

14 . What is your greatest fear?

Failure. (Laughs.)


. How would you describe your personal fashion sense?

Whatever is hanging off the corner of a chair in the morning. T-shirt and jeans man, that’s it. I do always have a hat on. When you’ve got a head of hair like me, you’ve got to wear a hat.

16 . What is your most treasured possession?

I’d have to say my daughter. She’s obviously not a possession, but she’s the most cherished thing that’s in my life. Besides that, Mallard Cottage is clearly my prized possession — such as it is, me and the bank. It’s very near and dear to my heart.

17 . What physical or personalit­y trait are you most grateful to a parent for?

My general sense of humour. My parents are both very relaxed for the most part and enjoy a bit of fun. I think that I’ve maintained that mostly — that sense the world is not ending, relax and take it one day at a time and have a bit of fun while you’re doing it.

18 . What would you say is your best quality, and what would you say is your worst quality?

I think my best and worst quality is probably the same thing. I’m a hard worker, and I think that’s my best quality. But I think sometimes I don’t know when to stop. Working hard is good, and working hard is sometimes bad.

19 . What is your biggest regret?

I don’t have many regrets. I’m not the type of person that dwells on stuff — I try not to be anyways . ... How it worked out for me, I chalk that up to experience. Learn from it and move forward. My biggest regret is probably that I didn’t start Mallard Cottage and didn’t buy it sooner. I should’ve done that earlier in my life. It wasn’t available earlier in my life, but when it became available (in 2011) we purchased it. Doing something in that building was something that I thought of long before it went on the market to buy. When we opened the restaurant, I was in my mid40s almost, which is not old. But I wish I’d got through what I’m doing now sooner.

20 . Which three people would join you for your dream dinner party?

I want to say (chef, author and documentar­ian) Anthony Bourdain. That is a clichéd answer, but it’s true. I’d love to sit down and have dinner with him. I would say probably one of the great classic chefs of all time, Paul Bocuse. That would be fun. And maybe someone like Sting, one of my big rock icons from back in the day.

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