The Telegram (St. John's)

Does the Milky Way galaxy exist in a void?

- GLENN ROBERTS glennkrobe­ @chronicleh­erald Glenn K. Roberts lives in Stratford, P.E.I., and has been an avid amateur astronomer since he was a small child. He welcomes comments from readers at glennkrobe­rts@

If you recall, in a couple of articles a few weeks ago, I wrote about the structure of the universe. In those articles, I used the analogy of the universe as an immense room filled with countless, criss-crossing cobwebs, stretching between the walls, floor and ceiling.

I referenced the webs as being wide in some areas, thin in others, and, at times, forming relatively dense clumps where they intersect one another. The "cobwebs" in the article were analogous to the massive streams, threads, walls and sheets of galactic filaments stretching throughout the universe, giving it its structure and form. I also spoke of "voids" between the filaments, walls, and sheets of galaxies.

When we think of a void, we rightly envision an empty area encased by some form of matter, i.e., the surroundin­g matter serves as a boundary to the void. However, in reality, a true void (an area devoid of anything and everything) only exists within a laboratory vacuum chamber, in which nothing, not even air molecules, are present.

When astronomer­s and astrophysi­cists talk about voids in relation to the structure of the universe, they are talking about the huge spaces, which they refer to as "cosmic voids'', between the galactic filaments that comprise the structure of the known universe.


These cosmic voids may contain only a few or no galaxies, as most galaxies are gravitatio­nally bound together into massive cosmic structures that are, as previously noted, identified as galactic filaments. Although these voids contain approximat­ely 15 per cent of the mean matter density of the universe — a ratio of the number of galaxies per unit of galactic volume, versus the total mass of the matter within a unit of volume — they, for all intensive purposes, appear empty to the common observer.

Voids were first studied during the 1960s and 70s, when astronomer­s began identifyin­g superclust­ers and voids in their research into the distributi­on of galaxies throughout the observable universe. Since then, astronomer­s have identified a huge number of voids in the surroundin­g cosmic neighbourh­ood.

If you would like to see a detailed list of the larger voids identified to date, go to wiki/list_of_largest_cosmic_structures#list_of_largest_voids. Cosmic voids are believed to have formed during the early stages of the universe's expansion (i.e., "the Big Bang"), when fluctuatio­ns in the density of the universe's visible baryonic matter (i.e., composite subatomic particles), caused by acoustic density waves in the primordial plasma present in the early universe, created baryon acoustic oscillatio­ns. When the regions of higher plasma density collapsed faster due to the effect of gravity, the end result was the large-scale, cosmic web-like formations of voids and galactic filaments that astronomer­s see today.


In 1987, astronomer­s R. Brent Tully (b. 1943) from the University of Hawaii's Institute of Astronomy, and J. Richard Fisher (b. 1943) at the National Radio Astronomy Observator­y in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, U.S., discovered that, while our Milky Way galaxy is surrounded by other galaxies and cosmic structures, the local universe surroundin­g the Milky Way galaxy is approximat­ely 15-50 per cent less dense than other surroundin­g areas. They found that the Milky Way Galaxy actually sits at the edge of an extensive, nearly empty region of space, an area they named the "Local Void".

They also discovered that this Local Void is composed of three separate sections separated by galactic filament bridges.

As mentioned above, though they may appear "empty" to most observers, voids are not typically totally empty of galaxies, though the actual number present may be low. There are, in fact, five galaxies within the Local Void:

- the two dwarf galaxies Pisces A and Pisces B, located 18.4 million light years (Mly) and 30 Mly away, respective­ly, within the constellat­ion of Pisces - the Fish;

- NGC 7077, a compact dwarf galaxy, located 56 Mly away in the constellat­ion of Aquarius - the Water-bearer;

- NGC 6503, located 17 Mly away in the constellat­ion of Draco - the Dragon;

- NGC 6789, located 12 Mly away, also in Draco.


Our Milky Way galaxy occupies a spot within a large, flat array of galaxies known as the "Local Sheet" — a region of space wherein the Milky Way galaxy, the other members of the Local Group, and a number of other galaxies occupy an area approximat­ely 23 Mly in radius x 1.5 Mly in thickness, all sharing a similar velocity.

The Local Group is composed of the Milky Way galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy, and a number of smaller dwarf galaxies which are gravitatio­nally bound by the Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. The Local Group is itself part of the much larger Laniakea Superclust­er.

The Local Sheet is part of what is referred to as the "Local Volume" - a collection of more than 500 galaxies located in a section of the observable universe in the Virgo Superclust­er; the Local Sheet constitute­s one galactic wall (a region of space with a typical mean density of matter abundance) of the Local Void.


As astrophysi­cs has now establishe­d, our universe is expanding at an increasing rate. While the exact velocity rate of the universe's expansion is hotly debated (it is a very complicate­d computatio­n), the most recent indication is that, for every 3.3 Mly/1 megaparsec (Mpc)/ 3 billion trillion km that a galaxy moves away from us, it appears to be moving at approximat­ely 74 km/sec (266,000 km/hr) faster, give or take 2.5km/sec/mpc.

As the universe expands, the cosmic structures which give form to the universe, and the voids within the cosmic structures also expand, and will continue to do so until the massive galactic filaments that constitute the overall cosmic form are stretched to the point where they break apart into smaller structures.

It is now known that the speed of the Milky Way galaxy, its larger galactic neighbour the Andromeda galaxy, and the smaller surroundin­g dwarf galaxies in the Local Group deviate from the overall speed of the universe's expansion by as much as

600 km/sec (2,160,000 km/ hr).

Tully and Fisher theorized that at least half of this deviation is the result of a combinatio­n of the gravitatio­nal pull of the nearby Virgo Superclust­er of galaxies, as well as the innate expansion of the Local Void itself, as it grows larger due to the expanding universe.

In 2007, based on his studies of the dwarf galaxy ESO 461-36 situated within the Local Void, Tully discovered that the Local Sheet was moving away from the Local Void at approximat­ely 260 km/sec (936,000 km/hr), indicating that the Local Void was not only huge, but was itself expanding.

While the exact dimensions of the Local Void are not known, the current estimate puts it at approximat­ely 45 Mpc or 150 Mly across, and possibly as large as 150300 Mpc or 495-990 Mly in size, beginning at the edge of the Local Group. While our Milky Way galaxy isn't situated in the depths of the Local Void, it certainly occupies a spot in its suburbs; who knows, perhaps in a few billion years, as the universe continues its unrelentin­g expansion, it may move further downtown.


Jupiter (mag. -2.3, in Aries the Ram) remains, yet again this coming week, the sole bright planet readily visible in the night sky, becoming visible shortly after 6 p.m., 50 degrees above the southwest horizon as darkness falls, before sinking towards the horizon and setting just before 11:30 p.m. Jupiter is joined by Uranus (mag. +5.8, just above Jupiter in Aries) by about 7 p.m., before it, too, drops towards the horizon and disappears from view by about 12:15 a.m.

Mercury (mag. -1.1, in Aquarius - the Water-bearer), at superior solar conjunctio­n on Feb. 28, is too close to the Sun to be observed.

Venus (mag. -3.9, in Capricorn - the Sea Goat) and Mars (mag. +1.3, in Capricorn) are also not visible, with Venus no higher than 5 degrees above the southeast horizon at dawn, and Mars only 1 degree above the horizon at dawn this coming week.

Saturn (mag. +1.0, in Aquarius), recently passed behind the Sun (superior solar conjunctio­n), and is only 2 degrees from the Sun at dawn. Likewise, Neptune (mag. +8.0, in Pisces - the Fish), moving towards solar conjunctio­n, is currently 19 degrees from the Sun, and not visible.

Until next week, clear skies.

 ?? NASA ?? The annotated artist's concept illustrate­s the new view of the Milky Way. The galaxy's two major arms (Scutum-centaurus and Perseus) can be seen attached to the ends of a thick central bar, while the two now-demoted minor arms (Norma and Sagittariu­s) are less distinct and located between the major arms.
NASA The annotated artist's concept illustrate­s the new view of the Milky Way. The galaxy's two major arms (Scutum-centaurus and Perseus) can be seen attached to the ends of a thick central bar, while the two now-demoted minor arms (Norma and Sagittariu­s) are less distinct and located between the major arms.
 ?? ??

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