The Telegram (St. John's)

20 questions

- Note: answers have been edited for length and clarity.

1 . What is your full name? Mary Cynthia Walsh 2 . Where and when were you born and where do you live today?

I was born in St. John’s, Newfoundla­nd at the Grace Hospital, even though Grace was a Protestant hospital. We’re Catholics but my mom lost a baby before me at St. Claire’s, so she had myself and my brother Greg, born over with those of the Salvation Army. Mom was very pleased with that and that was May 13, 1952.

Today, I still live in St. John’s.

3 . What is one thing you would like people to know about you?

I don’t think I’ve hidden anything from anyone, there are things but I don’t think there’s a lot of stuff that people don’t already know about me.

I’ve talked about my struggles, and how I grew up and everybody knows as much as they would care to know about me.

4 . What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I’m still nervous when I approach the stage or even a film. I can get into a rhythm with film and television, but there is still a level at which my heart is up in my throat, especially if I’m doing new material.

5 . What is the hardest thing you have done?

The hardest thing I’ve done is to try to stop my perfection­ism, also, trying to stop my fear of failure. I have been trying to accept that things are not perfect, that I’m going to fail and that the world won’t come to an end because of it.

6 . Can you describe one experience that changed your life?

I adopted my son Jesse, in

November of 1989 and that changed my life, all for the good. Bringing up children, as most know, is not a breeze but mostly, it’s brought me such joy and I’ve learned so much.

7 . What is your greatest indulgence?

When my husband’s father was in his 80s, if we went out he always paid. There was no question. So, now that I’m an old lady, that’s my greatest indulgence, I go, ‘No, let me pick up the cheque’, with my family. That’s what it is to be old, you pick up the cheque.

8 . What is your favourite book?

There was one time that any book by Doris Lessing was my favourite book, then another time it was Hilary Mantel’s books.

My latest would have to be Pat Barker’s ‘Regenerati­on’ trilogy. It’s three books about the First World War that were extraordin­ary.

9 . What is your favourite movie?

Annie Hall was great, it had heart, it was engaging, it had a plot; it had everything, and I loved it. Also, Nashville.

10 . What music do you like to listen to?

I like all music, though I find music disturbing, it either brings me up to high or down to low.

11 . How do you like to relax?

Reading, and binge-watching shows, I am a huge walker and hiker. I adopted a dog, Bowser, during the pandemic. He lights up my life, and we walk together to relax.

12 . Who would play you in a movie about your life?

I am not at a point in my life where I am thinking about my life. I haven’t thought about a movie about my life, at all. I don’t think I have an answer for that because who could play me?

13 . What is your greatest fear?

I am afraid of everything, I am a very fearful person. I am not as bad as I once was but I can’t even jump off the edge of the pool, leaving the edge of the pool and hitting the water, I’m very afraid of that. I am super fearful.

14 . What is your greatest joy?

My family, my son, my husband, my friends, my work; I love my work. Newfoundla­nd, when I thought I didn’t have a family, Newfoundla­nd was my family.

15 . What is your most treasured possession?

My books and then my clothes. I love clothes and I love my books.

16 . What is the best advice you got from a parent or mentor?

The best advice was to keep your head down and keep going. That’s all you can do, things are not always going to go well, and you’re not always going to be successful. On top of that, things are not always going to go badly and you’re not always going to be a failure.

The change will come, you need to keep your head down and keep going forward.

17 . What would you say is your best quality and what would you say your worst quality is?

My worst quality would have to be that I am a fearful person. My best would be my ability to think that it’s all going to work out in the end, that someone will be there to catch me when I leap.

18 . Where is your favourite place in the world?

Greece, I have only been there twice but I felt so at home there almost as much at home as I feel here.

19 . Who do you follow on social media?

The two people I follow are Ann Patchett and Trinny Woodhall.

20 . Which three people would join you for your dream dinner party?

Aunt May; Mary Waddleton, brought me up and any good characteri­stic I have is from her.

Shirley Douglas because I love her and my dad, I never got to spend a lot of time with him and I would like to see him again.

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Mary Walsh’s upcoming one-woman she said is special for a number of reasons, it marks her 50th year in comedy, the recording of her first comedy album and it is her first live performanc­e on a St. John’s stage in nearly a decade.
CONTRIBUTE­D Mary Walsh’s upcoming one-woman she said is special for a number of reasons, it marks her 50th year in comedy, the recording of her first comedy album and it is her first live performanc­e on a St. John’s stage in nearly a decade.

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