The Telegram (St. John's)

Trump’s comedic potential


I’ve been keeping an eye on Mr. Trump, assessing his comedic potential.

It is unavoidabl­e that at some point in the future the ex-ex-president, for his postpresid­ential World Tour, must polish up his political satire routine, and adapt it to a more intimate cocktail-lounge style of show. He has several bits that really work for him, and I would not advise him to make any radical changes.

For instance, his Chaplinsty­le baggy pants have become so closely associated with his image that to ditch them would probably do more harm than good.

The hair, too, is priceless. On no account should he change the coiffure not even minimally.

The tie — if I were allowed to make one tiny suggestion, I’d like to see it reach down a bit farther. . . ideally, to the knees, but that’s just one person’s opinion.

As to the actual schtick, he has a few bits that absolutely cannot be separated from the Trump persona. I’m thinking primarily of the Indignatio­n and the affronted dignity. Both work brilliantl­y for him, and must be kept in.

The nonsense rant is another outrageous­ly successful bit of theatre that must be retained. To make even the slightest change to that would, in my profession­al opinion, sabotage the overall effect.

So I would beg his writers to amp up the nonsense, the nonsequitu­r, the gobbledego­ok, the whole clueless Idiot routine. This represents the Trump hallmark, and to dilute any of it would, I feel sure, spell disaster.

If I may be permitted an honest overall assessment, I would say that he will never, no matter how much he may hone his delivery, replace Monty Python. Ed Healy Marystown

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