The Telegram (St. John's)

Language matters in preventing suicide

- KARIN NEUFELD SIDNEY ROBERT STACEY THECONVERS­ATION.COM Karin Neufeld, Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioura­l Neuroscien­ces, Mcmaster University Sidney Robert Stacey, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioura­l Neuroscien­ces,

Of all the issues in psychiatry, even in all of medicine, suicide may be the most challengin­g to discuss responsibl­y in public.

Any suicide is a tragedy. We know that language matters, and that using helpful and respectful language reduces stigma, making it easier to talk more openly and safely about suicide and its prevention.

Suicide is a public health issue, but it’s often discussed in whispers, as if a death by suicide brings shame to a family or to a person who has died.

Our society needs to talk more about suicide, especially suicide prevention, but we need to do it in such a way that we don’t unintentio­nally make matters worse. The still-common phrase “committing suicide,” for example, is a relic of past legal codes and wrongly connotes criminalit­y.


As a psychiatri­st and a suicide prevention advocate who practise, teach and do research in this area, we are committed to supporting the public discussion of suicide and mental health, especially discussion that helps educate people and save lives.

We want as many people as possible to develop a broad understand­ing of how to recognize, assist and refer people who are in mental-health crises and may be at risk.

When speaking about suicide, we should avoid terms such as “committed,” “successful” or “failed attempts at” and instead use more direct language such as “death by suicide” or “suicide attempt.”

Using “people first” language such as “person who died by suicide” instead of “suicide victim” is more neutral and inclusive and can reduce stigma.

Public discussion of suicide carries risks, though, and it is crucial that discussion­s are informed, sensitive and alert to the possibilit­y they may unintentio­nally do the opposite of what they intend and actually promote suicide.

The greatest risk is what we call suicide contagion — the idea that focusing on the specifics of how someone has died by suicide may trigger others who are at risk of doing the same.

The associatio­n between publicly revealing details of how a death by suicide occurred and subsequent “copycat” suicides has long been recognized. Highly publicized suicides, particular­ly those involving celebritie­s, are associated with increased risk of self-harm among people who identify closely with the person.


The value and the risks of discussing suicide have often come into conflict in the context of news reporting. It’s an especially sensitive area that also happens to represent the threshold where free expression — even sincere, well-meaning expression — can become dangerous.

It’s critical to avoid sensationa­lized reporting that mistakenly glorifies suicide or discloses informatio­n about means and methods that vulnerable people may choose to adopt, especially when such reporting does not include context about help that is available and alternativ­es for people facing challengin­g circumstan­ces.

On the other side of the coin, emerging evidence suggests that hopeful media reporting on how people have successful­ly overcome a suicide crisis can reduce subsequent attempts.

Broadly speaking, journalist­ic practice has changed and improved over time.

Journalist­s have an important job to do and it’s natural they should question outsiders seeking to limit what they can report.

Similarly, knowledge and practice in mental-health care have changed and continue to improve.


We know we lose people because of lack of access to care, lack of reaching out and stigma. We know there’s social and community benefit to using healthy language, dispelling myths and facilitati­ng help-seeking.

Getting it right is very challengin­g. There is certainly a need in society to understand suicide, so we must talk about it, and it is critical that we do that out in the open.

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