The Valley Wire

Justin Dorey running in Kings County

- SALTWIRE STAFF To read the full Q&A, visit

Justin Dorey, who is running in Kings County, recently provided responses to a Q&A SaltWire is providing to municipal election candidates.

Q. What’s your full name? A. Justin Robert Dorey

Q. What position are you running for?

A. Kings County council, District 5

Q. Where are you from?

A. I was born and grew up in the Kentville area, and bought my first home in Aylesford just over 5 years ago, where I currently reside.

Q. What did you do before you decided to run for office?

A. I have worked in the manufactur­ing industry in Kings County for the last 17 years, holding positions in many different areas, such as supply chain, quality control, progress team, and production management.

Q. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign?

A. For quite some time now, I have thought about the idea of running for office. Politics is something that has interested me since a young age, and I knew that one day I would pursue a career as an elected official. Now, since the marriage to my wife and the birth of my daughter, I have a whole new perspectiv­e on how I can contribute to my community, and how I can make it better for my daughter in the future.

Q. What strengths would you bring to council if you are elected?

A. I have lots of experience in my career looking for waste in processes and eliminatin­g it. As councillor, this would allow me to help improve the quality of services to our citizens, with a minimum of taxpayer resources. In a nutshell, this means doing more for the community with what we already have.

Q. What do you see as the biggest strength/asset of the community/region and what measures would you take to capitalize on them?

A. With so many strengths in Kings County, and the Annapolis Valley as a whole, it is hard to pick just one! If I must choose just one thing though, it has to be the passion, kindness and caring of each of us in our communitie­s. Being a lifelong resident of Kings County, I have seen the changes that have come to these communitie­s and the challenges faced. But one thing that never changed was the willingnes­s of the people in our area to care and look out for one another. Whether it be helping a neighbour with a project, donating to local charities, or volunteeri­ng time to be with seniors in the area, I have seen what a positive impact the people in our area have had on many peoples lives. That is the reason that I am always proud to call Kings County home.

Q. What one message do you hope gets out to the voters during this election campaign?

A. The main message I hope to get out to all residents of Kings County is to get out and exercise your right to vote! Spend time to get educated on the candidates in your area and vote for the person most aligned with your own core values. I strongly believe as councillor­s we have the responsibi­lity to act in the best interest of our constituen­ts in every decision made. That means that I will always put my own constituen­ts and their needs first, even in front of my own.

Q. How can people contact you?

A. Website: www.bigheartju­

Email: bigheartju­stin@gmail. com

Phone: 902-670-1558

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Justin Dorey.

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