Vancouver Sun


Older homes continue to be torn down in Vancouver, in spite of new regulation­s

- John Mackie jmackie@vancouvers­

Almost 1,000 houses are being torn down in Vancouver each year. So far, the city’s efforts to slow the trend have failed.

Heritage activist Caroline Adderson recently sent me an alert saying a “Dunbar castle” was in danger of being demolished at 3815 West 39th.

The term refers charming little houses with turrets that were popular on the west side in the 1930s and 1940s. With their turrets, arched windows and white stucco exterior, they look like miniature versions of the Disneyland castle.

This particular one belonged to Jack Wood, whose company Master Craft Homes built the Dunbar castles. Wood built a sister castle next door, which made them similar to the “Two Dorothies” Tudor homes in Kerrisdale that were recently rescued from demolition.

When I drove over a couple of hours later, the demolition crew was already at work. A giant claw smashed through the roof, toppled over the brick chimney, then crunched up the turret. Everything that made the home special was gone in 10 minutes.

What was odd was that the exterior of the house seemed pretty much intact until the bulldozer started tearing it apart. The arched windows were still in place, as was the arched front door. The weather vane was still on top of the turret.

The city of Vancouver recently enacted new regulation­s for demolition­s of pre-1940 “character homes” like this. Ninety per cent of the home is supposed to be reused or recycled.

It was hoped the new regulation­s would slow the spate of house demolition­s while the city worked to update its heritage register, which was compiled in the mid-1980s and missed many significan­t buildings. Whether it’s working is a matter for debate.

Since December, 210 demolition permits have been issued in Vancouver, 126 of them in January and February. If this pace keeps up, 750 buildings will be torn down in Vancouver in 2015. But it could be more — demolition­s often pick up in spring, which some heritage activists call “demolition season.”

Dunbar-Southlands has been the hardest hit area. For the past four years, over 100 buildings in the neighbourh­ood have been torn down annually. No other neighbourh­ood has topped the 100 mark. A few years ago, Dunbar was seen as one of the west side’s most affordable middleclas­s neighbourh­oods. But that’s changed.

Jack Wood’s old house sold for $2.58 million in July, 2014. Tim Wong of Kingstone Developmen­ts said he intends to build a 4,300 sq. ft house on the 49.5by-165.78 foot lot.

“I think the constructi­on fee should be $1 million, and the (selling price) should be close to $4.5, $4.6 million,” said Wong.

Asked what was wrong with the old house, which was 2,900 sq. ft, Wong said “It was old. Old is no good. The roof is no good. The interior is so bad. There’s so much leaking, rainwater (coming in). That’s why. You cannot fix this one.”

Realtor Phil Gustin sold the Wood home, and confirms that it had some issues.

“The plumbing was starting to go, pinholes were starting to show up,” he said.

“The back porch was six months away from becoming structural­ly unsound because it was starting to rot. The retaining wall in the back yard was starting to tip over and was going to become unstable pretty soon. It needed a lot of things like that (fixed).”

The owners had been holding on to the home because it had belonged to their parents, but decided to sell rather than do repairs. And when houses like this are sold on the west side, Gustin said “95 per cent” are going to be demolished, because the new wave of Asian buyers want new, not old.

“People that buy these new houses want at least an eight and preferably a nine-foot basement,” said Gustin. “They want the main floor nine or 10 feet high, and they want the top floor eight or 10 feet. You don’t get that in older houses. Styles change, whether it’s clothing or cars or houses.”

Gustin is a lifelong Vancouveri­te, and is sad at the way west side neighbourh­oods are being razed.

“I love this city, it’s a beautiful city, and it’s changing in a way I’m not really happy with, but I can’t change it,” he said.

But he doesn’t know how, or if, the city should move to retain its dwindling stock of character homes, because “restrictiv­e zoning policies” can have a negative impact on property values.

“For most people (their property) is the biggest investment of their lives,” he said. “When you go to resell your property, you’ll want to get the maximum dollar out of it. I don’t care who you are, or what you’re thinking today. Ten, 20, 30 years from now, you get (ill) and your family says ‘we have to look after dad.’ They’ll want every penny they can get to look after you.”

Architectu­ral historian Imbi Harding is aghast that 3815 West 39th was allowed to be torn down. She emailed city officials for weeks trying to get them to stop the demolition, to no avail.

“That was a very important house,” said Harding, who wrote the local histories for Vancouver’s heritage register in 1986. “It was (Jack) Wood’s own house. It was gorgeous inside.”

The focal point of the interior was the living room ceiling, which looked like something out of Architectu­ral Digest magazine.

“( There was) a bracketed stepped ceiling in the living room, and an oval cut-out domed ceiling with recessed lighting,” Harding wrote in a history of Dunbar she hopes to publish this year.

Heritage expert John Atkin said Wood’s inspiratio­n for the Dunbar castle came from California.

“The story goes that he was in California hoping to break into the movies,” said Atkin.

“He ended up drawing many of the storybook style houses he saw there and came home and started building. The castle is a variation of the French Normandy style popular after the First World War. The turret is the grain silo of the original (French) farm house repurposed to make a grand entrance.”

The city recently hired heritage consultant Don Luxton to conduct a review of its Heritage Action Plan, which will include an update of the heritage register.

Wood’s home was built in 1938, and would have been a prime candidate for inclusion on the heritage register. But it was torn down before the process really got underway. Instead, the new owner hired a demolition crew. Vancouver’s director of developmen­t services George Fujii said in an email “the contractor indicated that crews had worked on site to remove interior items two weeks prior to the excavator being on site.”

Tim Wong of Kingstone Developmen­ts said the demo crew had removed “all the plastic, metal and copper from inside,” as well as the drywall and appliances.

“We sold the stuff that can be reused to Jack’s (Used Building Supplies),” he said.

But the exterior stucco was still on when the home was knocked down. This contrasts with two character homes at 3441 and 3451 West 16th, which were completely stripped to the bare wood in preparatio­n for demolition.

Asked how the city monitors the demolition­s, Fujii said the city requires contractor­s to submit a demolition and reuse plan alongside the demolition permit applicatio­n.

“After demo/deconstruc­tion, we require the submission of a recycling and reuse compliance report, including receipts documentin­g where all materials were taken,” Fujii said. “The informatio­n in this report is verified by city staff.”

Fujii said contractor­s are required to notify the city before a demolition but “we don’t get out to every site.”

The maximum fine for not meeting the recycling requiremen­t is $10,000. In a $3.6 million project like 3815 West 39th, that would work out to .28 per cent of the overall cost.

The city can also withhold a building permit if a contractor doesn’t meet the recycling requiremen­ts.

And it has just brought in a $15,000 “performanc­e deposit” that may not get refunded if a demolition doesn’t meet the city standard.

“We have had roughly a dozen houses processed under the new bylaw,” said Fujii.

“The majority have been successful, with one applicant discovered to have had submitted fraudulent receipts. The permits for this address have been suspended and are pending prosecutio­n.”

Still, Harding thinks that if the intent of the reuse and recycling bylaw was to slow down demolition­s, it isn’t working.

“It’s a con,” she said. “I guess the city is trying to defend their environmen­tal record, or their pretending to be environmen­tal record. I’m just in total frustratio­n and despair at the city.”

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 ?? JOHN MACKIE/PNG ?? A ‘Dunbar Castle’ at 3815 West 39th in Vancouver is demolished. It was constructe­d in 1938 by Jack Wood, whose company built the turreted houses on the west side.
JOHN MACKIE/PNG A ‘Dunbar Castle’ at 3815 West 39th in Vancouver is demolished. It was constructe­d in 1938 by Jack Wood, whose company built the turreted houses on the west side.
 ?? JOHN MACKIE/ VANCOUVER SUN ?? A turret demolished at 3815 West 39th. The turrets on ‘Dunbar castles’ were part of the French Normandy style popular after the First World War. Since December, 210 demolition permits have been issued, putting Vancouver on pace to lose at least 750...
JOHN MACKIE/ VANCOUVER SUN A turret demolished at 3815 West 39th. The turrets on ‘Dunbar castles’ were part of the French Normandy style popular after the First World War. Since December, 210 demolition permits have been issued, putting Vancouver on pace to lose at least 750...
 ??  ??

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