The Walleye Magazine

All the Buzz


Rather than being motivated by wanting to reduce their carbon footprint, many drivers are looking at going electric because of the rising price of gas. And I’ll admit, I’m one of them. Two major factors that have deterred me from purchasing an electric vehicle in the past have been cost and the lack of charging stations in Northweste­rn Ontario. But times are changing. With federal incentives (and hopefully some provincial rebates on the way) getting an EV could prove to be more affordable in the long run, and a recent announceme­nt to create 92 new stations in the Thunder Bay area by this time next year helps quell concerns about keeping your vehicle charged. Developmen­ts like these that benefit consumers and the environmen­t make me optimistic that we’ll see more EV drivers in Thunder Bay, and I just might be one of them.

Every April we present our annual green issue to commemorat­e Earth Day, and this year we’re all about going electric. Matt Prokopchuk talks to members of the Electric Vehicle Associatio­n of Northern Ontario about making the switch from gasoline-powered rides, Lindsay Campell looks at the Thunder Bay Community Economic Developmen­t Commission’s Plug-In Thunder Bay initiative, and Kelsey Raynard checks in on the city’s plans to get Thunder Bay’s transit fleet upgraded to electric buses. Plus, we test drive some e-bikes and break down the basics for those thinking about purchasing one.

Keeping with our green theme, pommelier and sommelier Jeannie Dubois shares how breweries are doing their part for the environmen­t by upcycling their spent grain, film columnist Michael Sobota delves into movies about electricit­y, and in Stuff We Like we showcase items made from other stuff.

Also this month, Amy Sellors chats with Steven Page about his upcoming concert with the TBSO, we go Eye to Eye with comedian Ron Kanutski, and Zack Kruzins explores the ice formations near the Rossport Islands while sea kayaking.

Especially with rising prices, being green isn’t always the most affordable option. But looking at the pages of our April issue, there's hope that steps are being made to do what’s best for the consumer as well as the environmen­t. Sounds like a win-win to me.

-Adrian Lysenko

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