The Walrus

New media, old story


I would like to think that our public broadcaste­r has a robust plan for the future, but after reading Tom Jokinen’s article (“What Is the CBC Good For?” September), I have little confidence in the CBC. In its scramble to be hip, mobile first, and metric savvy, and to dominate social media and tell sexy digital stories, the CBC has revealed what it really is: desperate for attention. Instead of catering to an imagined crowd of digital-focused readers with short attention spans, the broadcaste­r should understand that its audience is composed of thoughtful individual­s who want programmin­g that informs, increases understand­ing, respects content, and entertains. That’s the Canadian way. Christine Dirks

London, ON

Many fear that a preoccupat­ion with new media will bring the CBC to its knees. But my forty years in the industry say: stop fussing. A compelling story always wins an audience. There’s nothing wrong with distributi­on on multiple platforms as long as the CBC focuses first on making a product worth tuning in for. In this age of attacks on mainstream media, Canadians need principled journalist­s who will restore faith in careful research. If the federal government doesn’t kill it with budget cuts, the cbc will remain relevant for decades, regardless of the platform.

Michael Craig

Owen Sound, ON

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