The Walrus

boot the reboot


In “I’m Sick of Reboots and Rewatches and You Should Be Too” (, Lisa Whittingto­n-hill examines why reboots have exploded during the pandemic. But reboots and remakes were popular long before covid-19. After the 2008 financial crash, bankers started jumping on studio boards and applying the principles of risk management to creative projects. It’s seen as less risky to remake an existing property with a built-in fan base than to gamble on new content. As a producer, I spend most of my days talking to amazing writers with fresh ideas that will never come to fruition. To reverse this trend, viewers need to spend more on original content and avoid flagship spinoffs. Make new stories profitable — that’s the only way they’ll get told.

Liz Hsiao Lan Alper

Los Angeles, CA

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