The Welland Tribune

Health care discord

Imaginativ­e, honest talk is missing as politician­s tackle a new Health Care Accord


Back in the late 1990s, when I was with the Ontario Medical Associatio­n, I took a group of about half a dozen doctors and an equal number of OMA staff to Washington, D.C., where we attended a campaign school organized by Campaigns & Elections magazine.

At one of the sessions, a presenter told us he was going to teach us to “think outside the box.” He made a square using four dots, and then invited us to connect all four dots using only three straight lines. Most people gave up after about two or three minutes, many saying it was impossible.

The answer to this puzzle, for those of you who don’t know, is to start with the dot in the upper left corner, and then draw the lines through the dots on the top right and lower left and out the other side, so that instead of drawing a box, you end up with a triangle in which all four dots are connected by three straight lines.

Thinking outside the box — it’s an important lesson I’ve never forgotten. One our political leaders, unfortunat­ely, seem incapable of learning. Take health care, for example. With the clock ticking on Canada’s Health Care Accord — Paul Martin’s infamous “fix for a generation,” which fixed nothing and lasted a mere 10 years — our country’s premiers are, not surprising­ly, calling on the federal government to increase its health-care contributi­on from the 20 per cent to 25 per cent.

The feds, for their part, are willing to look at pouring more money into that vast pit of health-care spending, but only if the provinces and territorie­s allow the federal government to target where those monies will be spent.

No way, say the premiers. You don’t have the right to interfere with how we spend your health-care transfers. The provinces know best and won’t be dictated to by anyone.

If all this sounds a little like a bunch of clowns arguing over how best to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, you’re right. The problem isn’t that we’re not throwing enough public money at our healthcare system. The real issue is we, as a country, have allowed ourselves to be boxed in by politician­s and special interest groups — like unions and the Canadian Doctors for Medicare group — so much so that today, in 2016, we can’t seem to think outside the box.

Take a look at what’s happening in Ontario.

The tentative physician services agreement that was recently “negotiated,” if that’s the right word, by the Ontario Medical Associatio­n and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is a Faustian deal with the devil, a six-page document that suggests the two sides will agree to “modernize” (read “cut”) the fee schedule, offering up “incentives” (read “bribes”) to doctors if they’ll help the government identify areas where it can trim $200 million from the health-care budget over the next two years — just in time for the next provincial election in 2018.

Instead of having the courage to come out and admit the system is unsustaina­ble as it’s currently configured, the government of Ontario enlisted the help of the OMA to try to convince (read “con”) doctors and their patients that they have the cure for what ails our health-care system — if only their Liberal cousins in Ottawa would write them a big enough cheque.

This is what we call magical thinking. If you repeat something that isn’t true often enough, people will begin to accept it as the truth, just so long as there’s a kernel of truth in what you’re saying, and you can back it up with a boatload of factoids and statistics. Shame on them. Small wonder nearly two-thirds of Ontario’s doctors rejected the government’s shady deal at a special meeting held Aug. 14 in Toronto.

If our elected officials had even one iota of courage, they’d be honest with us and admit the status quo is no longer an option. Should politician­s and those who have the most to gain by perpetrati­ng this lie continue to play this game, then healthcare spending will likely eat up 75 to 80 per cent of our provincial budgets by 2025.

This is why we need to start thinking outside the box, and why Canada needs a hybrid health-care system.

Even Tommy Douglas, the former premier of Saskatchew­an and socalled “father of medicare,” was in favour of user fees and co-payments as a way of taking pressure off the system. How those in charge allowed our health card to be hijacked by spineless politician­s and faceless, nameless bureaucrat­s and turned into a credit card with no limit is one of those mysteries even Sherlock Holmes couldn’t solve.

Fortunatel­y, there is hope on the horizon. Dr. Brian Day’s much delayed Charter challenge against federal and British Columbia legislatio­n that virtually bars physicians from taking private payment from patients, will finally take place this fall in British Columbia. When he wins — and he will — our elected officials will at last be forced to swallow some truth serum and admit they’ve been trying to get us to drink the Kool-Aid all these years.

Premiers and Prime Minister Trudeau, take note as you look to negotiate a new Health Care Accord: Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” When it comes to health care, let’s not go back to the future.

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