The Welland Tribune

Church initiative helping refugees


With the influx of refugees to Niagara Region there has also been an increase in the need for assistance.

That assistance has come in the form of volunteers, fundraiser­s and community members coming together to support newcomers. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) in Welland have organized a garage sale fundraiser to raise money for the Welland Heritage Council and Multicultu­ral Centre.

The event is part of a global church initiative called “I was a Stranger.” The initiative was developed by Mormon leaders in Utah to reach out and help refugees.

Welland LDS member Colleen Solomon said the Mormon church teaches the concept of being kind to one another and taking care of neighbours.

“Our church does help on that global effort, they have contribute­d millions of dollars to all those refugees,” she said. “But they want us to not only do it globally, but to do it locally. So every unit in the church has been asked to contribute locally to I Was A Stranger,” she said.

The initiative began in May and has taken off in many communitie­s. Solomon said there is even a hashtag. People can go on social media and enter #iwasastran­ger to see all the work being done to assist.

Helping refugees is also an important part of the Mormon Church because of the persecutio­n Mormons felt when the church first began in the 1800s. She said the history of her church stays present in her mind and motivates her to help others who have been persecuted or fled their homeland.

“It’s very close to home as Mormons because we were persecuted mercilessl­y in the early years of our church. That’s when they fled to Utah because there was no one living there and they were fleeing oppression,” Solomon said. “We know what it is like to be a stranger and run from persecutio­n, that’s why we reach out.”

Initially the money raised was going to go to a specific family that was in need, but Solomon said that family has been given help from someone else. Funds will now be donated to the organizati­on and Janet Madume, director of the multicultu­ral centre, will decide where the money is needed most.

“I just spoke to her and there are lots of other people we can help,” Solomon said. “She knows the needs so we will see where the money goes.”

The church is hoping to raise about $1,000 at garage sale Saturday, Sept. 10, at 33 Millbridge Cres. in Fonthill. Solomon said there will be something for everyone at the sale, including clothing, children’s toys and possibly furniture. There will also be children selling lemonade.

“We really want this to be topnotch, no junk. We really want to hit it out of the park,” Solomon said. The church is still accepting donations. Anyone wanting to donate can drop goods off at the church at 904 South Pelham Rd. in Welland or they can drop off larger items at the garage sale on the day of the sale before 8 a.m. The event will run from 8 a.m. until noon.

 ??  ?? Colleen Solomon discusses the importance of reaching out to others to offer help when they are in need. MICHELLE ALLENBERG/WELLAND TRIBUNE
Colleen Solomon discusses the importance of reaching out to others to offer help when they are in need. MICHELLE ALLENBERG/WELLAND TRIBUNE

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