The Welland Tribune

South Korea unleashes missiles into ocean



SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean jets and navy ships fired a barrage of guided-missiles into the ocean during drills Thursday, a display of military power two days after North Korea test-launched its first interconti­nental ballistic missile.

The North’s ICBM launch, its most successful missile test to date, has stoked security worries in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo as it showed the country could eventually perfect a reliable nuclear missile capable of reaching anywhere in the U.S. Analysts say the missile tested Tuesday could reach Alaska if launched at a normal trajectory.

The live-fire drills off South Korea’s coast were previously scheduled. In a show of force, South Korea and the U.S. also staged “deep strike” precision missile firing drills on Wednesday as a warning to the North.

In North Korea’s capital, thousands of people rallied Thursday in Kim Il Sung square to celebrate the launch.

The rally was followed by a fireworks display along the Taedonggan­g, a river that runs through central Pyongyang.

Thursday’s drills in South Korea were aimed at boosting readiness against possible maritime North Korean aggression. They involved 15 warships including a as well as helicopter­s and fighter jets, South Korea’s navy said in a statement.

“Our military is maintainin­g the highest level of readiness to make a swift response even if a war breaks out today,” said Rear Adm. Kwon Jeong Seob, who directed the drills, according to the statement.

After the ICBM launch, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he would never put his weapons programs up for negotiatio­n unless the U.S. abandons its hostile policy toward the North. Kim’s statement suggested he will order more missile and nuclear tests until his country develops a functionin­g ICBM that can place the entire U.S. within its striking distance.

The missile launch was a direct rebuke to U.S. President Donald Trump’s earlier declaratio­n on Twitter that such a test “won’t happen!” and to South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who was pushing to improve strained ties with the North.

The UN Security Council could impose additional sanctions on North Korea, but it’s not clear that would stop it from pursuing its nuclear and missile programs since the country is already under multiple rounds of UN sanctions for its previous weapon tests.

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