The Welland Tribune

Trump lashes out on Twitter



BRIDGEWATE­R, N.J. — With prominent Republican­s openly questionin­g his competence and moral leadership, President Donald Trump on Thursday burrowed deeper into the racially charged debate over Confederat­e memorials and lashed out at members of his own party in the latest controvers­y to engulf his presidency.

Out of sight, but still online, Trump tweeted his defence of monuments to Confederat­e icons — bemoaning rising efforts to remove them as an attack on America’s “history and culture.”

And he berated his critics who, with increasing­ly sharper language, have denounced his initially slow and then ultimately combative comments on the racial violence at a white supremacis­t rally last weekend in Charlottes­ville, Va.

Trump was much quicker Thursday to condemn violence in Barcelona, where more than a dozen people were killed when a van veered onto a sidewalk and sped down a busy pedestrian zone in what authoritie­s called a terror attack.

He then added to his expression of support a tweet reviving a debunked legend about a U.S. general subduing Muslim rebels a century ago in the Philippine­s by shooting them with bullets dipped in pig blood.

“Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!” Trump wrote.

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina said Trump’s “moral authority is compromise­d.”

Trump accused “publicitys­eeking” Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina of falsely stating Trump’s position on the demonstrat­ors and called Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake “toxic” and praised Flake’s potential primary election opponent.

Graham said Wednesday that Trump “took a step backward by again suggesting there is moral equivalenc­y” between the marching white supremacis­ts and the people who had been demonstrat­ing against them. Flake has been increasing­ly critical of Trump in recent weeks.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump says the movement to remove Confederat­e monuments are ripping apart the “history and culture” of the U.S., and tore into fellow Republican­s who are taking a stand against racism.
EVAN VUCCI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. President Donald Trump says the movement to remove Confederat­e monuments are ripping apart the “history and culture” of the U.S., and tore into fellow Republican­s who are taking a stand against racism.

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