The Welland Tribune

Zimbabwean celebrates end of tyranny


After more than three decades under the control of president Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwean­s around the world are celebratin­g the end to his leadership.

Wednesday the military announced it had Mugabe and his wife Grace Mugabe in custody and that the military had taken control of the country.

At first John Mtshede, 62, who left Zimbabwe in 1999 and currently lives in Welland, was worried a coup would cause violence and further unrest. But after speaking to his family who still live in Bulawayo, he was assured things are moving in a positive direction.

On Saturday he tuned in to watch videos of thousands of Zimbabwean­s dancing in the streets and celebratin­g the end of the tyrannical reign of Mugabe.

Mtshede said his two sisters were rejoicing with fellow Zimbabwean­s, including the military. For Mtshede it’s a great day to see citizens and military rejoicing together,

Shortly after Mugabe became prime minister in 1980, after the country, formerly named Rhodesia, gained independen­ce from Britain, violence and division began. Mugabe became president in 1987 after changing the constituti­on.

Mtshede said Mugabe began planting seeds of hate by dividing the people into different territorie­s, including Matebelela­nd, Mashonalan­d and Manyikalan­d. By dividing the people this way, Mtshede said, Mugabe was able to create hate between tribes and races.

When Zimbabwean­s fought for independen­ce, Mtshede said, they weren’t fighting a race or tribe, they were fighting against a system.

“We fought against the system and we inherited the system and not even inherited the system, we perfected the system. It became worse than the system we fought against,” Mtshede said.

Colonizers divided people to control them, and Mugabe did the same.

In 1982 the military took action against a perceived uprising in Matabelela­nd, the territory Mtshede lived in. The government is accused of killing thousands of people. Mtshede said about 20,000 people died during the military action.

For Mtshede, who was 30 at the time, the killings in Matabelela­nd will stay with him for the rest of his life. Mtshede was accused of being part of a civilian uprising, he was tied to the back of a vehicle and dragged. He said the military beat him to the point of near death before leaving him to die.

Mtshede managed to get to hospital and was treated for his injuries. After he was well enough to leave the hospital he moved to another part of Zimbabwe. But the violence of the Mugabe government would follow him wherever he went.

At home, he said a soldier was screaming at his brother to dig a hole. His brother had been beaten badly and the soldier kept saying he was digging a hole for his grave.

“They beat him so bad he couldn’t sit for a month.”

Eventually the soldiers left and his family was all right, but decades later the memory is still vivid in his mind.

During Mugabe’s rule, Mtshede said every few blocks there would be police and military checkpoint­s. To get through, people would have to bribe the police or military.

Mtshede, who has only once visited Zimbabwe since moving, said when he returned in 2016 he refused to drive. Instead he had his brother drive, so if they were stopped at a checkpoint the police or military wouldn’t see his Canadian driver’s licence and demand more money.

Mtshede said the economy crashed during Mugabe’s rule. While he was still living in the country he said shelves in stores were often empty. The government began rationing food and gasoline because of sanctions placed on them by other countries.

Now that Zimbabwe has a glimpse of hope, Mtshede said he is positive about the future. He doesn’t believe there will be violence now that Mugabe has been detained in his home. Mtshede said he doesn’t want revenge and he doesn’t believe other Zimbabwean­s want revenge either — they want freedom.

“The people of Zimbabwe are a cultured people, we are a people of respect,” he said.

Mtshede said he thinks the last straw for the people was when Mugabe fired Deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa on Nov. 6. Mugabe then replaced him with First Lady Grace Mugabe as vice- president. Mtshede said this was clear Mugabe was planning for her to take over the country and continue his dynasty.

Mtshede is looking forward to seeing Zimbabwe hold a free and fair election in the coming months. He said he believes corruption will end with Mugabe and the future is bright for the country. He said after working for more than 20 years in Zimbabwe he has no pension there, but he still owns property, and is hoping the economy will improve moving forward.

Mtshede said other African countries with corrupt leaders should be worried because Zimbabwe has set an example for others. Mtshede pointed to South African leader Jacob Zuma, who has been accused of corruption, saying the South African people could be inspired by their northern neighbours to rise up against corruption.

As of Sunday evening, Mugabe had refused to resign as president, despite his party Zanu- PF turning its back on him. mallenberg@ postmedia. com twitter. com/ m_ allenberg

 ?? MICHELLE ALLENBERG/ WELLAND TRIBUNE ?? Welland’s John Mtshede, 62, celebrates the military takeover of Zimbabwe to free the people from more than three decades of rule by Robert Mugabe.
MICHELLE ALLENBERG/ WELLAND TRIBUNE Welland’s John Mtshede, 62, celebrates the military takeover of Zimbabwe to free the people from more than three decades of rule by Robert Mugabe.

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