The Welland Tribune

Odious censuring of grad student worsened by Hitler reference


As for a university professor bringing in Hitler in order to censure a grad student over a lesson she gave to a first- year class on language surroundin­g gender- neutral pronouns, who the hell does “ze” think “ze” is, other than a sanctimoni­ous tool?

So, shame on Wilfrid Laurier University prof. Nathan Rambukkana for playing the Hitler card in order to turn what should have been no tempest whatsoever into a shitstorm. Hitler? Really?

Rambukkana is an example of what’s wrong in a once esteemed profession where, instead of promoting varying views, now increasing­ly wants a politicall­y- correct one- sidedness determined only by the prof squad. What he has done, in fact, is odiously hammer home yet another nail in the coffin of critical thinking at Canadian universiti­es.

Rambukkana, in fact, is the one who should be censured, not grad student and teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd.

Her sin? Well, as reported in the Waterloo Region Record, when her entry- level communicat­ions studies class turned to gender and language, Shepherd showed them a three- minute video clip from TV Ontario’s public affairs show, The Agenda, during which two University of Toronto professors debated the issue of gender- neutral pronouns from opposite sides.

This was Kryptonite to Rambukkana and fellow professor Herbert Pimlott who, so incensed by the use of this video, they hauled in an official of the university’s Diversity and Equity Office.

Shepherd was told exposing her students to Peterson was “transphobi­c” and creating a “toxic climate.”

When Shepherd argued that universiti­es are intended to expose students to different ideas, Rambukkana rebuffed her by essentiall­y claiming opposing views should be delivered from a neutral position. Try to define that one.

And then he put Peterson’s views in the same breath as Hitler.

“This ( playing of the video involving Peterson) is like neutrally playing a speech by Hitler,” he said during his dismantlin­g of the 22- year- old Shepherd, all of which was taped.

Shepherd was concerned, of course, that the tenor of her dressing- down would result in her losing her teaching- assistant job at Laurier which, with a scholarshi­p, is helping pay her way towards a master’s degree.

But, as she wrote in an email to the Record, “If this trend continues of radical leftist indoctrina­tion, I’m not really interested in being a part of it.”

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