The Welland Tribune

Pre- dawn outdoor workouts

Road- tested tips on staying safe for runners, cyclists amid early morning darkness


Let’s call it a wake- up call: a Rochester, N. Y., runner recently was hit and killed by a car while out for a morning run. As a 6 a. m. runner, I understand the vulnerabil­ity of being out on the road alone and in the dark.

While it’s not unusual to see other runners and cars, there’s no comparing running in daylight, when there are a lot of people and activities, to running in the morning when the solitude is both pleasurabl­e and unnerving.

Commuting cyclists who, like runners, are out on the roads when almost everyone else is still sawing ZZZs, have also admitted to feeling vulnerable in the early morning hours. This sense of unease increases in the winter, when roads and sidewalks can be slick, and motorists aren’t as attuned to sharing the roads.

So in the spirit of making early morning runs and bike rides safer, here’s a list of nine road- tested tips for runners and cyclists who work out under the cover of darkness.

1. Be seen

Ditch the dark clothing in favour of bright outerwear that stands out. And make sure it has a lot of reflective detail that will light up every time a car’s headlights hit upon you.

2. Practise good street smarts

Give motorists a wide be rth and assume they don’t see you. Stick to sidewalks and cycling paths where possible, and hug the side of the road when there’s no other option.

In general, it’s always better to run facing traffic, which gives you more time to react if the path of the oncoming

vehicle looks threatenin­g.

3. Carry money

Never leave the house without the equivalent of at least bus fare in your pocket. That way, should bad weather kick in, an old injury flare up or you find yourself uncomforta­ble in your surroundin­gs, an alternate means of transporta­tion is an option.

4. Bring your phone

Whether you use it as a flashlight or to call home, your phone can be a lifeline when faced with the unexpected. It can also be used to take photos of suspicious activity should you happen across anything that makes you uncomforta­ble.

5. Choose your route wisely

The route you run in the dark should be chosen based on the following safety features: well lit, one of the first to be cleared of snow and/ or dusted with abrasives, has sidewalks or a wide shoulder, is close to homes and bus routes and has trafficcal­ming measures ( stop signs, lights, crosswalks, etc.).

If possible, avoid isolated stretches of road and uneven surfaces that are more likely to trip you up in the dark.

6. Carry ID

Be prepared for the “what if” by carrying a piece of identifica­tion while on the run. One of the simplest ways to make sure you never leave home without it is to get a Road iD tag that attaches to your wrist, watch or shoe. Or, download the Road iD app on your phone which, among other features, allows you to put your emergency contacts and other important details ( allergies, medication­s, etc.) on the lock screen of your phone so it can be easily accessed by pressing on the home button.

7. Let someone know where you are

Limit the number of routes you run in the morning and night to one or two, and let your family members know the details.

8. Stay alert

It’s important to stay connected to what’s going on around you. Listen for buses, delivery trucks and constructi­on crews, who also tend to be on the roads before the sun comes up. These big vehicles have big blind spots, and might not see a solo runner or cyclist. If you listen to music, leave one ear bud out, which should give you enough of a heads- up on anything coming your way.

9. Don’t ignore your instincts

If you head out the door and the roads feel slippery or the weather inhospitab­le, give in to your hesitation and push your run to later in the day. Same thing goes for your surroundin­gs; if something feels wrong, it probably is, so make a U- turn and head back home.

 ?? J. DAVID AKE/ AP ?? Runner is silhouette­d against the sunrise on his early morning workout near Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from the U. S. capital.
J. DAVID AKE/ AP Runner is silhouette­d against the sunrise on his early morning workout near Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from the U. S. capital.

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