The Welland Tribune

Finding my new Comfortlan­d


Everyone has a comfort zone, and people often don’t like to move out of it. Familiar tastes and smells, sights and sounds, recognizab­le roads and routes are assurances to people like me — sticklers for routine.

For me, the Middle East was always the centre of the universe. Although I travelled to explore the world, home never changed its address.

Yet a few months ago, I immigrated to Canada, to provide my children with a passport that might make life just a little bit easier for them. And suddenly, the “right way of doing things” was different.

I scrambled to convince myself that this move is just an expansion of my comfort zone rather than a monumental change, and it quickly became clear that Canada had its own silver linings — different from those in Dubai, my home for much of my life, but perhaps better — if only I was willing to let go of those “superiorit­y- tinted” glasses. I’ve been struck by how Canada is a melting pot of diverse cultural currents, diasporas differenti­ated by multiple creeds, languages and dialects.

However, Canada is not unique in this. The scale of human displaceme­nts, due to civil strife or internatio­nal conflicts, has changed the face of contempora­ry migration, as economic stability is replaced by a desperate need for safety and security. The movement of people across boundaries has only increased.

But here’s how Canada is different.

Canada values and respects the life experience­s that immigrants bring with them. We are embraced impartiall­y, with open arms and a greeting of “welcome to Canada.” We are “allowed” to stand at par with everyone else here. And here’s the best part: As Canadian immigrants, equal opportunit­y is presented to us as a right; one that cannot be taken away from us on the whim of the head honcho. I can’t help but quote the American comedian Hassan Minhaj, who explains this immigrant- specific phenomenon so brilliantl­y: “we have the audacity of equality.”

I have had my own jaw- dropping moments as an immigrant here; as I filled forms and applicatio­ns, or visited government offices to set up my home. I realized that there are no secondclas­s citizens/ residents in Canada. Regardless of whether the person on the other side of the desk didn’t like having me here, they would always treat me with respect, dignity and a genuine resolve to assist me.

As an immigrant who landed here without securing a job first, or learning any French, I have a long way to go before I can consider myself settled. Yet, I can live here with the mental security that nobody will kick me out. There is no limit on the number of days that I can stay on, and my children never have to stop going to school because I cannot afford it.

My home is where my heart is, and it remains with the family and friends I have left behind.

Here, I am still trying to figure out how one makes new friends once they are past kindergart­en, where it was so easy to approach someone you liked and ask them, “will you be my friend?”

Yet, taking stock as 2017 draws to a close, I think I might acclimatiz­e to this graciously courteous country called Canada soon enough. I might have just found my new Comfortlan­d.

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