The Welland Tribune

We should feature more women in public sphere


Here’s a no- cost resolution for companies seeking to attract more talented women to help diversify their workforce: In 2018, they might feature a few of the ones they already employ in more public roles.

In our contradict­ory world, girls are told they can grow up to be whatever they want, but many of the most visible female role models are still pushing outdated definition­s of what success looks like.

Excessivel­y groomed and superficia­lly preoccupie­d reality TV stars in search of a husband or a new “branding” opportunit­y bely the messages that government­s, educators and desperate- to- diversify industries are pushing about girls’ potential to aspire to more challengin­g and meaningful roles.

A review of male to female sources quoted or interviewe­d in seven of Canada’s most influentia­l news media outlets in 2015 found that male voices outranked women’s by more than two to one. Some of that imbalance is predictabl­e, linked to the gap between male and female CEOs and government ministers.

Journalist­s on deadline who default to the usual suspects also play a role. And our research finds many women have taken to heart the message that public profile is a mixed blessing in a world of online trolling.

But many women have superior communicat­ion skills, and are already doing a stellar job of representi­ng their employers with a variety of stakeholde­rs. Giving them public spokespers­on roles sends a powerful message about the kinds of opportunit­ies their employers are willing to give talented female employees.

Jane Griffith, a partner at executive recruiter Odgers Berndtson, recently recounted meeting with clients who were hoping to attract qualified women to apply. She suggested to the all- male hiring committee that although she could bring desirable prospects to the table, they might want to make it clearer they genuinely valued diversity by displaying some during the process. Her clients looked at one another, stunned. They hadn’t even noticed their uniform maleness, let alone considered it an obstacle.

This kind of blind spot, replicated in hundreds of small, seemingly inconseque­ntial decisions every day, undermines organizati­ons’ ability to not only attract but, as importantl­y, retain talented employees whose diverse perspectiv­es have the capacity to challenge groupthink, develop more marketable ideas and improve bottom lines.

As waves of sexual harassment allegation­s disrupt the status quo across sectors — from entertainm­ent and high tech to policing and the restaurant industry — many women are leaving jobs to start their own businesses. Companies wishing to benefit from the entire talent pool would do well to send a clear message about their commitment to advancing those who are most beleaguere­d and less visible.

The unassailab­le business case for diversity has fed an increasing­ly vocal resistance to all- male panels at conference­s and in the media. Informed Opinions, the non- profit I run, is building a database of expert women to make it impossible for journalist­s and conference planners to ever again declare, “but we couldn’t find a female expert.”

Our database features hundreds of scientists and legal experts, educators and environmen­tal advocates. But it’s especially short on women in corporate Canada who are empowered by their employers to speak publicly.

This is a missed opportunit­y — not just for us, and for them, but for companies looking to attract great talent.

Shari Graydon is the founder of Informed Opinions, dedicated to amplifying women’s voices in Canada.

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