The Welland Tribune

Wainfleet’s exotic animal bylaw uncaged for public


April Jeffs says Wainfleet’s proposed exotic animal bylaw, the subject of a public meeting tonight, strikes a good balance for pet ownership, resident protection and the well- being of animals.

The bylaw has been in the works for a year or so, the mayor said.

“It has taken sometime because there’s no provincial legislatio­n, it’s left up to municipali­ties to deal with on their own. We wanted to get it in place and get it right.”

Mark Tardif, Wainfleet’s bylaw and property standards officer, spent much time on the bylaw and looked at what other municipali­ties have on their books, Jeffs said.

The proposal contains sections for definition­s, responsibi­lity to care for animals, farming, prohibited and dangerous animals, exotic animals, rabid animals, inspection­s and enforcemen­t, offences and penalties, and interpreta­tion.

“We feel it balances the protection of residents with the welfare and health of the animals. It allows people to have animals outside of your average type of pet.”

Jeffs said the bylaw came out of suggestion­s and comments at a public meeting and from people who have exotic animals.

She said Tardif had discussion­s with Ringtail Ranch and Rescue owners Joni Cook and Mark Drysdale, as well.

Ringtail Ranch has a number of exotic animals, including a female African lion that was seen across the street from its Garringer Road property last year. The couple said the lion, named Savannah, was under their control.

In a post on their Facebook page, the ranch owners said they are pleased with the draft bylaw they helped to create, calling it “very fair and responsibl­e.” They encouraged people to attend the council meeting and express their opinion.

Jeffs said the bylaw grandfathe­rs in any existing animals in the township.

She said the bylaw is expected to come back to aldermen for final approval, with any changes made as a result of tonight’s meeting, at the next council session.

Council meets at 7 p. m. in township hall, 31940 Highway 3. Its meetings are streamed live on Wainfleet’s YouTube channel at­ll4Es4IFnU­I_ig.

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