The Welland Tribune

Despite obvious threats, Trudeau cuddling up to digital giants

- HAROON SIDDIQUI Tomorrow: A digital policy for Canada. Former Star columnist and editorial page editor Haroon Siddiqui is distinguis­hed visiting professor at Ryerson University in the faculty of arts as well as the faculty of communicat­ion and design. Si

More and more government­s are rushing to confront the dangers posed by Facebook, Google, Netflix and other digital giants. But Ottawa has yet to grow out of its infatuatio­n with them.

In genuflecti­ng to these rapacious American corporatio­ns, Justin Trudeau and his two cabinet colleagues entrusted with the file — Heritage Minister Mélanie Joly and Democratic Institutio­ns Minister Karina Gould — are failing to stand up for Canadians, Canadian companies and Canadian sovereignt­y.

Several reasons are proffered for their deference:

They don’t want to risk antagonizi­ng the Donald Trump administra­tion in the middle of testy NAFTA negotiatio­ns.

They are being particular­ly nice to Facebook since they are lobbying it to locate a data centre in Canada.

They want Facebook to ensure that the Liberals are not undermined in the 2019 federal election the way Hillary Clinton was in the 2016 presidenti­al election by Russians and others to help elect Trump, “the first Facebook and Twitter president.”

They don’t fully grasp the dangers posed by these American mega-corporatio­ns operating mostly above the law across borders.

Or they do but have not the fortitude to tax and regulate these companies to ensure competitio­n, safeguard citizens’ privacy, stem the flow of hateful and fake content, and stop the steady erosion of democracie­s. Nothing less would do, given that: Facebook, Google and others are conducting citizen surveillan­ce far more than the Soviet KGB or East German Stasi ever did during the Communist era.

They have amassed fortunes selling the treasure trove of your and my data, without our permission and without ever compensati­ng us a penny.

They are bleeding mainstream media by stealing news content paid for by someone else and vacuuming up an estimated 75 per cent of digital revenues in Canada that total about $5 billion a year.

Facebook, YouTube, Reddit and others have allowed their platforms to be hijacked by the likes of Daesh and also Western hate-mongers — right-wingers, racists, white supremacis­ts, xenophobes, homophobes, misogynist­s, anti-Semites and Islamophob­es.

Similarly, they have had little incentive to monitor, let alone stop, foreign interferen­ce to spread political disinforma­tion and stoke discord in democratic societies.

They care not for the privacy of users, and they are not transparen­t about their users or advertiser­s.

That the profiles of up to 87 million Facebook users were tapped by the British firm Cambridge Analytica, and allegedly used to help Trump win, is only the latest chapter in the scandal.

Facebook has had as many as 270 million phoney accounts, many used to spread fake news and conspiracy theories, and polarize democracie­s. In that 2016 election, incendiary Russian posts reached 126 million users on Facebook; 131,000 messages were published on Twitter, and more than 1,000 videos were uploaded to YouTube.

While Facebook, Google, YouTube, Reddit and others have broadened the public square, paradoxica­lly they’ve also made us anti-social, indeed tribal.

Users cluster in social media bubbles, talk mainly to those who share their interests and prejudices, and bully those they disagree with or dislike. Their alternate reality breeds alternate facts and a post-truth world that’s proven to be ideal playing ground for populists — from Donald Trump to Doug Ford.

Yet, the Trudeau government has offered mostly platitudes — contradict­ory ones at that.

Last fall, Trudeau was said to have warned Facebook to fix its fake-news problem or face undefined repercussi­ons. Mélanie Joly, however, said that Ottawa does not want to decide what Canadians should or should not consider fake news. Instead, she went pleading with Facebook to advance media literacy, as though that were the magic potion to cure all the ills caused by the internet behemoths.

Karina Gould has refused to try to stem the tide of poison coursing through social media. She said Ottawa would not follow Germany, which has passed a law forcing online platforms to remove hate speech. Such curbs on speech, she said, won’t be acceptable to Canadians. Her freespeech absolutism is American, not Canadian — the Supreme Court of Canada having repeatedly upheld the right of government­s to curb hate speech.

Canada used to pride itself on independen­t thinking and policy leadership, rather than being a supplicant to foreign corporatio­ns.

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