The Welland Tribune

Inquiry into 2016 Calgary bobsled deaths begins


CALGARY — A fatality inquiry convened Monday to begin reviewing how twin brothers died after sliding down an Olympic luge-bobsled track in Calgary more than two years ago.

Jordan and Evan Caldwell, who were 17, were part of a larger group that snuck onto the grounds of the WinSport facility with plastic sleds and headed down the icy track, which was built for the 1988 Olympics.

They hit a gate, set up to divide the bobsled and luge runs, at high speed and died almost instantly. Six other young men were taken to hospital.

Police say the teens on the first sled, including Evan Caldwell, hit a barrier-gate and fell off their sled.

A second sled struck one of the injured teens lying on the track.

The third sled then came down the track with two passengers, including Jordan Caldwell, who was sitting at the front. Caldwell struck a chain that was across the course.

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner said multiple blunt force trauma was the cause of the deaths, and neither drugs nor alcohol were believed to have been factors.

The two young men had worked as Hill Ambassador­s at WinSport, which owns and operates the track and Canada Olympic Park, the previous winter.

Police did not lay criminal charges in the case.

Judge Margaret Keelaghan will review the circumstan­ces of the accident and can recommend how to prevent similar deaths.

The inquiry is scheduled to last three days.

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