The Welland Tribune

Internet abuzz after security expert tied to WikiLeaks vanishes


OSLO, NORWAY — In a remote Norwegian town north of the Arctic Circle, a cybersecur­ity expert with ties to WikiLeaks checked out of a hotel, dressed in khaki hiking gear and carrying heavy baggage.

That was on Aug. 20. No one has reported seeing him since.

The disappeara­nce of Arjen Kamphuis, 46, has so far flummoxed a widening police investigat­ion that has chased stray clues and false leads in Norway, Denmark, Germany, the Netherland­s and Sweden. Norwegian police have released statements saying that they have no idea whether he was a victim of foul play, but that they “are open to all possibilit­ies.”

The uncertaint­y, and Kamphuis’ links to WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy organizati­on that has run afoul of government­s and other powerful interests, has the internet buzzing with conspiracy theories. Some suggest a kidnapping — or worse — involving Russia, the CIA, MI6, Islamists or the Clintons, while others ask if he intended to disappear, possibly on some secret assignment for WikiLeaks.

Feeding the speculatio­n is that Bodo, the town where he was last seen, is home to Norway’s main military airbase, the armed forces’ joint operations centre is nearby, and part of the country’s cyberdefen­ce centre is hidden in a mountain outside town. Investigat­ors have ruled out any connection between the military presence and his disappeara­nce.

Friends say Kamphuis, who is Dutch, was genuinely in Norway for vacation, had been there a few times before, and had plans to return to the Netherland­s.

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