The Welland Tribune

Khashoggi double creates misleading trail

Surveillan­ce images in Turkey reveal body double leaving consulate


BEIRUT — After Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was strangled in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, a member of the 15-man team that had flown in to confront him put on Khashoggi’s clothes and left the building to create a misleading trail of evidence, surveillan­ce images released by Turkey on Monday showed.

The ruse, which was acknowledg­ed by a Saudi official and a Saudi briefed on the investigat­ion into Khashoggi’s killing, added to the numerous doubts about the kingdom’s explanatio­n of how the 59-year-old writer died.

In a narrative that has been met with wide skepticism by Turkish and U.S. officials, Saudi Arabia has said that the team sought to persuade Khashoggi to return home but that he resisted, prompting a fist fight in which one of the men put Khashoggi in a chokehold and accidental­ly killed him.

Saudi officials have insisted that the kingdom’s rulers, including Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, did not know about the operation ahead of time and that the team was not dispatched from Riyadh with orders to kill Khashoggi.

But in that story, it is unclear what role there would have been for a large, middle-aged man with grey hair who resembled Khashoggi. The other members of the team were younger and had clear ties to the Saudi military and security services.

The use of a “body double” suggests a premeditat­ed plan to make Khashoggi disappear, through death or abduction, and to cover it up — possibly contradict­ing Saudi insistence that his death was the accidental result of an altercatio­n.

Turkish officials have said that the Saudi team, who left Turkey hours after they had arrived, was sent to Istanbul to kill Khashoggi.

Turkish officials have asserted for weeks that they have proof that Saudi officials set out to kill Khashoggi, and have orchestrat­ed a steady stream of leaks to the news media to maintain pressure on the Saudis and undermine their denials. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that he would soon reveal everything Turkey knows about the case.

A Turkish newspaper, Haberturk, reported Saturday that someone who looked like Khashoggi left the Saudi Consulate on Oct. 2, the day the dissident was killed inside the building.

On Monday, CNN showed images, leaked by Turkish authoritie­s, that show that man strolling around Istanbul, apparently wearing Khashoggi’s clothes.

“They panicked after he died, and in order to make it appear he left the consulate, they decided to impersonat­e him,” said the Saudi official who was briefed on the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigat­ion is ongoing.

The official also said that the body was rolled in a rug and given to a local collaborat­or to dispose of. Turkish officials have said that Khashoggi’s body was dismembere­d before being removed from the consulate.

After weeks of insisting that Khashoggi, a Saudi who lived in the United States and who wrote columns for The Washington Post, had left the consulate alive and well, the Saudi government acknowledg­ed Saturday that he had been killed there and said that 18 people faced discipline for the incident.

The case has caused an internatio­nal uproar, driving a wedge between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and chilling the Saudis’ relations with Western countries, including the United States.

Britain, France and Germany said in a joint statement Sunday that they would ultimately make their judgments about what happened based on the “credibilit­y of the further explanatio­n we receive,” and made clear that they wanted assurances that such “a shameful event” would not happen again. Saudi Arabia needs to do more to determine the truth and hold those responsibl­e accountabl­e, the countries said.

Germany has suspended arms sales to the kingdom, but it is not a major source of Saudi arms: The United States and Britain rank first and second, with France a distant third, according to the Stockholm Institute on Internatio­nal Peace, which tracks arms sales.

Also weighing in was the European Union’s foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, who described the informatio­n that has become public so far as a “shocking violation” of internatio­nal convention­s that outline norms of consular behaviour.

On Sunday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir gave the first public, high-level acknowledg­ment that there had been a coverup, but he and other officials continue to say that the death was an accident, and that it was not ordered by Crown Prince Mohammed, the kingdom’s dayto-day ruler.

Western intelligen­ce officials have said that the operation was most likely ordered by the crown prince, who is often referred to as MBS, and several members of the team that flew to Istanbul have ties to him.

Martin Dempsey, a retired former chair of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, who has lived in Saudi Arabia, wrote Monday on Twitter, “absolutely no way that MbS was unaware of Khashoggi murder.”

On Monday, the Turkish public broadcasti­ng news channel TRT reported that a car found abandoned by police in a parking lot in Istanbul matched the descriptio­n and license plates of a vehicle that belongs to the Saudi Consulate and was seen outside the building on the day Khashoggi disappeare­d.

 ?? MEHMET GUZEL THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? On Monday Turkish police secure an undergroun­d car park, where authoritie­s earlier found a vehicle belonging to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.
MEHMET GUZEL THE ASSOCIATED PRESS On Monday Turkish police secure an undergroun­d car park, where authoritie­s earlier found a vehicle belonging to the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul.

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