The Welland Tribune

Except for Trudeau, leaders dithering over Khashoggi’s killing

Saudi Royal Family is no longer a united body that can just decide MbS has to go

- GWYNNE DYER Gwynne Dyer’s new book is ‘Growing Pains: The Future of Democracy (and Work)’.

How odd! Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sends an audio recording of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul to the government­s of all Turkey’s major NATO allies, and the only one that gets it is Canada.

What happened to the copies that President Erdogan sent to the United States, France, the United Kingdom and Germany? Lost in the mailroom, no doubt, or maybe just lying unopened on somebody’s desk. Or perhaps the Turks just didn’t put enough stamps on the packages.

“We gave them the tapes,” said Erdogan on Saturday. “They’ve also listened to the conversati­on, they know it.” But still not a word out of Washington or London acknowledg­ing that they have heard the recordings, and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian denied that France has received a copy.

When asked if that meant Erdogan was lying, Le Drian replied: “It means that he has a political game to play in these circumstan­ces.” Like most Western politician­s and diplomats, he is desperate to avoid calling out Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, as a murderer.

The French have a highly profitable commercial relationsh­ip with the oil-rich kingdom, mostly selling it arms, and they don’t want to acknowledg­e the evidence on the recording (which may directly implicate the Crown Prince) because it could jeopardize that trade.

Erdogan was furious when the French foreign minister issued his denial, and his communicat­ions director insisted that a representa­tive of French intelligen­ce had listened to the recording as long ago as 24 October. But it was all just “he said/she said” stuff until Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blew the game wide open on Monday.

Yes, Trudeau said, Canadian intelligen­ce has the recording, and he is well aware of what is on it. In fact, Canadian intelligen­ce agencies have been working very closely with Turkey on the murder investigat­ion, and Canada is “in discussion­s with our like-minded allies as to the next steps with regard Saudi Arabia.”

Why did Trudeau come clean? One popular theory is the nothing-left-to-lose hypothesis. Last August the tempestuou­s Crown Prince killed all future trade deals with Canada, pulled thousands of Saudi Arabian foreign students out of Canadian universiti­es, and generally showered curses on the country after Canadian officials called for the release of detained Saudi campaigner­s for civil rights and women’s rights.

Maybe Trudeau is just braver than the others, but his purpose is clear. He waited more than three weeks after getting the recording for the “like-minded allies” to agree to a joint policy toward the murderous prince — nobody believes Khashoggi could have been killed without Mohammed bin Salman’s consent — and then he spilled the beans.

Of course all the major NATO government­s have the recordings. They have had them for at least three weeks. They were just dithering over what to do about them, and Trudeau decided it was time to give them a push. Good for him, but what exactly can they do about Mohammed bin Salman’s crime?

It almost certainly was MbS (as they call him) who ordered the killing. Since his elderly father, King Salman, gave him free rein to run the country, he has become a one-man regime. Nothing happens without his approval, least of all the murder of a high-profile critic in a foreign country by a 15-strong Saudi hit squad including several members of his personal security team.

No Western leader (except perhaps Donald Trump) will be seen in public with MbS any more, foreign investment in Saudi Arabia this year is the lowest in several decades, and the price of oil is falling again. So he has to go, if it’s still possible for anybody in Saudi Arabia to remove him from power. But that’s the big question.

The Saudi Royal Family is no longer a tight, united body that can just decide MbS has to go and make it stick. Without the agreement of King Salman any smaller group within the family that organized a coup against the Crown Prince would almost certainly fail.

So he may go on for while despite the disaster of his military interventi­on in Yemen, his pointless, fruitless blockade of Qatar and even this ugly murder. He wouldn’t be the only killer in power. But the bloom is definitely off this particular rose.

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