The Welland Tribune

U.K.’s May defiant in face of Brexit criticism

Two ministers resign, others want her to quit over deal with EU


LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May defied growing calls to quit or change course Thursday over Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, warning that abandoning her Brexit plan would plunge the country into “deep and grave uncertaint­y.”

Britain’s long-simmering divisions over its future in the EU erupted into turmoil just a day after the government agreed to a divorce deal with the bloc. Two cabinet ministers resigned and some lawmakers from May’s own party called for her to be replaced.

The crisis threatened to destroy the Brexit agreement, unseat the prime minister and send the U.K. hurtling toward the EU exit without a plan.

At a news conference aimed at regaining some control, May said she believed “with every fibre of my being that the course I have set out is the right one for our country and all our people.”

“Am I going to see this through? Yes,” she said.

The hard-won agreement with the EU has infuriated pro-Brexit members of May’s divided Conservati­ve Party. They say the agreement, which calls for close trade ties between Britain and the bloc, would leave it a vassal state, bound to EU rules it has no say in making.

May insisted that Brexit meant making “the right choices, not the easy ones,” and urged lawmakers to support the deal “in the national interest.”

But she was weakened by the resignatio­n of two senior cabinet ministers, including Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab. Hours after he sat in the meeting that approved the deal, Raab said he “cannot in good conscience” support it.

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey followed Raab out the door. She said in a letter that it is “no good trying to pretend to (voters) that this deal honours the result of the referendum when it is obvious to everyone that it doesn’t.”

A handful of junior government ministers also quit, and leading pro-Brexit lawmaker Jacob Rees-Mogg called for a vote of no-confidence in May.

Rees-Mogg said May’s deal “is not Brexit” because it would keep Britain in a customs union with the EU, potentiall­y for an indefinite period. He also said May was “losing the confidence of Conservati­ve members of Parliament.”

He called for May to be replaced by a more firmly proBrexit politician, naming exforeign secretary Boris Johnson, former Brexit secretary David Davis and Raab as potential successors.

Under Conservati­ve rules, a confidence vote in the leader is triggered if 15 per cent of Conservati­ve lawmakers — currently 48 — write a letter to the party’s

1922 Committee of backbenche­rs, which oversees leadership votes.

Only committee chair Graham Brady knows for sure how many missives have been sent, but Rees-Mogg’s letter is likely to spur others to do the same.

If a confidence vote is held and May loses, it would trigger a party leadership contest in which any Conservati­ve lawmaker — except her — could run.

The turmoil is the latest eruption in the Conservati­ve Party’s long-running civil war over Europe. Ever since Britain joined what was then the European Economic Community in 1973, the party has been split between supporters and opponents of Britain’s membership. In 2016, then-prime minister David Cameron called a referendum “to settle this European question in British politics” once and for all.

He was confident the country would vote to remain, but voters opted by 52 per cent to 48 per cent to quit the EU, a result that left both the Conservati­ves and the country more divided than ever.

Cameron’s successor, May, has been struggling ever since to deliver a Brexit that satisfies those who want to leave, reconciles those wanting to remain and doesn’t rock the economy — a near-impossible balancing act.

May and her supporters say the alternativ­es to her deal — leaving the bloc without an agreement or a second vote on Brexit — are not realistic options.

If the deal was abandoned, “nobody can know for sure the consequenc­es that will follow,” May said. “It would be to take a path of deep and grave uncertaint­y when the British people just want us to get on with it.”

News that a deal had been struck after a year and a half of negotiatio­ns was welcomed in Brussels, and EU chief Donald Tusk called for a Nov. 25 summit of leaders so they can rubberstam­p the agreement.

The deal requires the consent of the European Parliament, whose chief Brexit official, Guy Verhofstad­t, welcomed it as “the best agreement we could obtain.”

It also needs approval from Britain’s Parliament before the U.K. leaves the bloc on March 29 — and even if May survives as leader, the chances look slim.

Her Conservati­ve government doesn’t have a parliament­ary majority and relies on the support of the Democratic Unionist Party from Northern Ireland.

But the DUP has rejected the deal, saying its provisions to avoid a hard border between Northern Ireland and EU member Ireland would impose new barriers between Northern Ireland and the rest of the U.K., weakening the bonds that hold the United Kingdom together.

Opposition parties also signalled they would vote against the agreement.

Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn said May should withdraw the “half-baked” Brexit deal and that Parliament “cannot and will not accept a false choice between this deal and no deal.”

Ian Blackford, who heads the Scottish National Party in Parliament, said the deal was “dead on arrival” and urged May to “stop the clock and go back to Brussels.”

An EU official warned that Britain was unlikely to get a better deal.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? British Prime Minister Theresa May tells a press conference on Thursday that if politician­s reject her Brexit deal to leave the European Union, it will set the country on “a path of deep and grave uncertaint­y.”
MATT DUNHAM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS British Prime Minister Theresa May tells a press conference on Thursday that if politician­s reject her Brexit deal to leave the European Union, it will set the country on “a path of deep and grave uncertaint­y.”

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