The Welland Tribune

PM STAYS QUIET: Trudeau isn’t saying what he is willing to do to keep a provision protecting labour rights for the LGBTQ community

Republican lawmakers demand the removal of language pledging support for LGBTQ rights


PORT MORESBY, PAPUA NEW GUINEA — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn’t saying what he is willing to do to keep a provision protecting labour rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer workers inside a renewed North American free trade pact.

More than 40 Republican lawmakers wrote U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday demanding the removal of language in the agreement pledging all three countries to support “policies that protect workers against employment discrimina­tion on the basis of sex, including with regard to pregnancy, sexual harassment, sexual orientatio­n, gender identity.”

The legislator­s urged Trump not to sign the agreement unless the language was removed.

The three countries are expected to sign the deal, known as the United States-MexicoCana­da Agreement, or USMCA for short, at the G20 meeting in Argentina at the end of the month.

Trudeau says the deal Canada negotiated has some of the strongest labour and environmen­tal provisions of any trade deal the country has signed.

He also says he is not going to negotiate in public when asked how far he would go to keep the provision in the agreement.

“We got to a good agreement that I think represents Canadian values, Canadian approach, but also values that are broadly shared among citizens of our three countries,” Trudeau said Sunday at the end of a summit of Asia-Pacific leaders.

“In any trade deal, there are going to be people who would like this or like that or not want this or not want that,” he said, adding that moving forward with a strong agreement is in the interest of all three countries involved in the trade deal.

In a letter to the White House flagged Friday by the U.S. website Politico, the coalition of 40 members of Congress said the United States “has the right to decide when, whether and how to tackle issues of civil rights, protected classes and workplace rights” as a sovereign nation.

“A trade agreement is no place for the adoption of social policy. It is especially inappropri­ate and insulting to our sovereignt­y to needlessly submit to social policies which the United States Congress has so far explicitly refused to accept,” reads the letter, released Friday.

The deal must make its way through Congress, and the letter sent Friday to Trump suggests he could lose some Republican support for the agreement unless changes are made.

Trudeau said Sunday that every country will go through its own ratificati­on process.

“Canada will, the United States will,” he said. “But we’re going to let the American officials and administra­tion focus on their ratificati­on process while we focus on ours.”

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau answers questions from reporters after attending the APEC 2018 Economic Leaders Meeting in Papua New Guinea.
AARON FAVILA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Prime Minister Justin Trudeau answers questions from reporters after attending the APEC 2018 Economic Leaders Meeting in Papua New Guinea.

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