The Welland Tribune

Liberals are betraying commitment


Full public disclosure is a principle that politician­s embrace as though it were Holy Writ when they are on the outside looking in. But when they are inside, sitting around the cabinet table and deciding how much informatio­n to share with the public, it is a different story. As little as possible becomes the mantra.

Canadians have seen this evolution occur in the last two prime ministers. Justin Trudeau was an ardent advocate for open government when campaignin­g in 2015 to unseat the Conservati­ves, who had run a famously secretive regime under Stephen Harper.

In office, Trudeau has proved to be almost as controllin­g. Reporters who make regular use of Access to Informatio­n say it can be even more difficult to get informatio­n out of the Trudeau Liberals than it was out of the Harper Conservati­ves. The current SNC-Lavalin controvers­y has exposed the prime minister’s inept efforts to misdirect, withhold and weasel his way out of tough questions.

Meanwhile, under their new leader Andrew Scheer, the Conservati­ves have come full circle, reborn as apostles of full public disclosure. Well, perhaps not entirely full. It took a newspaper story on the weekend to reveal what Scheer had not revealed when he was pummeling Trudeau in the Commons — that he, too, had been lobbied by SNC-Lavalin.

The company undoubtedl­y wanted to know what a Scheer government would do if the Conservati­ves were to win the general election in October: proceed with criminal prosecutio­n of the company over $47 million in bribes it allegedly paid to officials in Libya between 2001 and 2011; or replace the criminal charges with a “deferred prosecutio­n agreement” (or DPA).

Under a DPA, the company would repent its sins, show it had cleansed itself of corruption, pay hefty fines, promise to stay on the straight and narrow — and remain eligible to bid on government contracts. No one would go to jail.

Full disclosure implies that the public be told what Scheer promised, or signalled, to SNC-Lavalin about the action a Conservati­ve government might take on the controvers­ial file.

There are other, more immediate, questions that cry out for answers from the Liberals, including Trudeau, former Justice Minister/Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould, her successor David Lametti and Gerald Butts, Trudeau’s old friend and Principal Secretary in the PMO.

Why was Wilson-Raybould demoted from Justice to Veteran Affairs? Was it because she crossed the powerful Butts and refused to order the Director of Public Prosecutio­ns to drop the criminal case and proceed by way of DPA, as the company wanted?

The public deserves better than “No comment” from Wilson-Raybould. She has made it clear she felt pressure. She discussed the case with Butts. Was he the source of the pressure she felt? How much pressure?

When Trudeau is asked about pressure, he plays the (not-so) Artful Dodger with semantics, claiming his office did not “direct” Wilson-Raybould to do anything. But what about pressure? While Trudeau ducks, Lametti, the new AG says there wasn’t any pressure — but he won’t support an inquiry by a parliament­ary committee.

“There hasn’t been anything to my mind that justifies a committee investigat­ion,” Lametti, who is on the opposition’s list of potential witnesses, told CTV’s “Question Period” on the weekend. What then, one asks, would justify a committee investigat­ion?

Although the Commons is not sitting this week, the pressure for disclosure will increase. Lametti seemed to indicate the direction the controvers­y is heading when he observed on “Question Period” that there “remains a possibilit­y” he could direct the prosecutio­n service to drop the corruption charges against SNC-Lavalin and proceed instead to a negotiated deferred prosecutio­n agreement.

Given the importance of SNC-Lavalin to employment is Quebec, especially in an election year, that seems the likely outcome.

But the public is surely entitled to an explanatio­n of the government’s reasons. And to an explanatio­n as to why the Liberals could have not managed the issue without making Jody Wilson-Raybould, a valuable minister, a sacrificia­l lamb.

On Monday afternoon, the federal ethics commission­er announced an investigat­ion into allegation­s the PMO had pressured Wilson-Raybould to seek mediation instead of criminal charges against SNC-Lavalin. Will we get some answers now?

Cambridge resident Geoffrey Stevens, an author and former Ottawa columnist and managing editor of the Globe and Mail, teaches political science at Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Guelph. His column appears Tuesdays. He welcomes comments at geoffsteve­

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