The Welland Tribune


Ontario students will be learning about consent, sexual orientatio­n earlier, but talk of gender identity will be later under changes to the health curriculum


Ontario students will be talking a lot more about consent and learning about sexual orientatio­n a year earlier, but discussion­s about gender identity will be put off until Grade 8 under changes to the health curriculum obtained by the Toronto Star.

After promising to scrap the elementary school sex-ed curriculum ushered in by the previous Liberal government — saying parents had not adequately been consulted and after an outcry from social conservati­ves about age appropriat­eness and any talk of gender identity — Premier Doug Ford’s government last year launched online surveys and telephone town halls before revising the lessons.

The new curriculum modernizes and builds on the one introduced by the Liberals in 2015 and even retains much of the material that originally caused all the controvers­y. That should allay concerns among educators that social conservati­ves were going to force changes that could put students — especially LGBT youth — at risk.

“For me, this curriculum really does reflect a priority of the government’s, of educators, of parents and of (society) of keeping kids safe,” Education Minister Stephen Lecce said in an interview.

Lecce, who only recently took over as minister, also noted that “for the first time in the province’s history” there will be “mandatory learning when it comes to things like body image and body shaming” as early as Grade 1.

Consent is also first introduced at that time, “setting boundaries” so children know what is appropriat­e and inappropri­ate touching and that they can go for help.

The revamp revises and expands the 2015 curriculum in a number of areas, most notably around consent, concussion­s and mental health. It also refines teacher “prompts” and student responses that provoked some upset among some parents — especially in regards to masturbati­on, which is still covered in Grade 7 — and repeatedly refers to diversity and tolerance. It also is clear in stating many times that should students seek help or encourage friends to do so if they are unhealthy relationsh­ips or unsafe situations.

With the new materials, Ontario will be introducin­g topics such as consent earlier than any other province, and will be among the leaders in areas of bullying, concussion, mental health and cyberbully­ing, “tolerance, respect and inclusion” and even cannabis use and vaping when compared to other jurisdicti­ons across the country.

But among provinces that cover gender identity — not all do — Ontario now introduces that issue the latest, moving it to Grade 8 from Grade 6.

The government will also usher in a new, standard system for parents to opt their children out of sexual health and developmen­t lessons. That may be at odds with the current practice that some boards like Toronto and Peel have had in place, where parents cannot formally opt their children out of lessons around gender identity, citing human rights obligation­s.

Starting this fall, boards will have to give parents 15 school days — or three weeks’ — notice about upcoming human developmen­t and sexual health lessons, and during which parents can submit opt-out forms.

Lecce said in the consultati­ons, a majority of parents were clear they wanted their children to learn about gender identity, but “making sure that students are at an age” where they can do so maturely.

“At the core of this curriculum is respect and tolerance, particular­ly when it comes to homophobia,” he said.

In Grade 5, students will learn about respecting people with different experience­s, including sexual orientatio­n, he said, noting that it was moved ahead a year from the current Grade 6.

“Respect is brought in early,” he added.

On masturbati­on, rather than saying it can be “pleasurabl­e,” the teacher prompts now say that it is something people do “because it feels good.”

Amid attention to consent amid the #MeToo movement, the curriculum also gives a clearer and more modern definition of consent as “ongoing and given freely” and says “it is important to remember that a person can change their mind and say no at any time to something they said yes to before.”

It also includes lessons on abstinence, which remain in Grade 7, as well as a clear outline of the health risks and emotional impact of sex. Marriage is a separate topic, covering why people choose to get married, and how it is important in some cultures and religions.

While the province was consulting on the changes, theneducat­ion minister Lisa Thompson ordered boards to revert to an older version of the sex-ed curriculum, but some said gender identity and sexual orientatio­n would continue to be taught.

Using the outdated curriculum for the past school year caused teacher unions and civil liberties associatio­ns, as well as families of LBGT youth, to turn to the courts and the Ontario Human Rights Commission, arguing it was discrimina­tory.

TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? “For me, this curriculum really does reflect a priority of the government’s, of educators, of parents and of (society) of keeping kids safe,” Education Minister Stephen Lecce said.
NICK KOZAK TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO “For me, this curriculum really does reflect a priority of the government’s, of educators, of parents and of (society) of keeping kids safe,” Education Minister Stephen Lecce said.

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