The Welland Tribune

More charges laid in Floyd’s death

Family lawyer calls moment ‘bitterswee­t,’ step toward justice


MINNEAPOLI­S—Prosecutor­s on Wednesday expanded their case against the police who were at the scene of George Floyd’s death, charging three of the officers with aiding and abetting a murder and upgrading the charges against the officer who pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck to second-degree murder.

The most serious charge was filed against Derek Chauvin, whose caught-on-video treatment of the handcuffed Floyd spurred worldwide protests. Three other officers — Thomas Lane, J. Kueng and Tou Thao — were charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder and second-degree manslaught­er. All four were fired last week.

The new charges were sought by Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who called the protests unleashed by the death “dramatic and necessary.”

“His life had value, and we will seek justice,” Ellison said.

Benjamin Crump, a lawyer for Floyd’s family, called it “a bitterswee­t moment” and “a significan­t step forward on the road to justice.” Crump said Elison had told the family he would continue his investigat­ion into Floyd’s death and upgrade the charge to first-degree murder if warranted.

Chauvin was initially charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaught­er.

The move powerfully punctuated an unpreceden­ted week in modern American history, in which largely peaceful protests took place in communitie­s of all sizes but were rocked by bouts of violence, including deadly attacks on officers, rampant thefts and arson in some places.

Earlier Wednesday, in a visit to a makeshift shrine at the street corner where Floyd died, his family had again called for the arrests of Lane, Kueng and Thao, a demand echoed by their lawyer.

“We are demanding justice,”

Crump said.

Some of the rockiness of the days since Floyd’s death May 25 dissipated on Tuesday night, with demonstrat­ions continuing around the country, but without major reports of violence.

Curfews and efforts by protesters to contain earlier flareups of lawlessnes­s were credited with preventing more widespread damage to businesses in New York and other cities overnight.

“Last night, we took a step forward in moving out of this difficult period we’ve had the last few days and moving to a better time,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

New York police said about 280 people were arrested on protest-related charges Tuesday night, compared with 700 a day earlier. Across the United States, more than 9,000 have been arrested in connection with unrest.

At least 12 deaths have been reported, though the circumstan­ces in many cases are still being sorted out.

Some tense incidents continued Tuesday night, but were far less prevalent than in preceding days. Police and National Guard troops used tear gas, flash-bang grenades, non-lethal rounds and other means of dispersing crowds near a police precinct in Seattle, near Centennial Park in Atlanta and at demonstrat­ions in Tampa and St. Petersburg, Fla.

Minnesota has opened a civilright­s investigat­ion into whether the Minneapoli­s Police Department has a pattern of discrimina­tion against minorities.

Floyd’s death sparked protests around the world.

Pope Francis called for national reconcilia­tion and peace, saying he has “witnessed with great concern the disturbing social unrest” in the U.S.

“My friends, we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life,” he said Wednesday.

U.S. President Donald Trump has pushed the country’s governors to take a hard line against the violence, saying Tuesday that “lowlifes and losers” were taking over New York’s streets.

He again tweeted Wednesday: “LAW & ORDER!”

More than 20,000 National Guard members have been called up in 29 states to deal with the violence.

In Philadelph­ia, a statue of former mayor Frank Rizzo was removed by the city early Wednesday after repeatedly being targeted by vandals. Rizzo presided over a police force widely accused of racism and brutality in the 1970s.

GETTY IMAGES ?? National Guard vehicles block 16th Street near the White House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday while people protest against police brutality and the death of George Floyd.
WIN MCNAMEE GETTY IMAGES National Guard vehicles block 16th Street near the White House in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday while people protest against police brutality and the death of George Floyd.

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