The Welland Tribune

Uproar proof this position is needed


It took 18 months for the Trudeau government to carry through on its promise to name a “special representa­tive” to combat Islamophob­ia. It took just 24 hours for that appointmen­t to blow up in its face.

Last Thursday, the government announced it had named Amira Elghawaby to the position. It was an excellent and well-deserved appointmen­t. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called it an “important step” in the fight against “hatred in all its forms.”

But no good deed, as they say, goes unpunished. Elghawaby has been outspoken, as you’d expect, against Quebec’s Bill 21, the frankly discrimina­tory law that bars people wearing religious symbols (notably Muslim women) from holding certain government jobs. So Montreal’s La Presse reported that Trudeau had just appointed someone who portrays Quebecers as “anti-Muslim.”

Cue the outrage in Quebec. A federal Liberal minister (Pablo Rodriguez) professed to be “profoundly insulted” as a Quebecer by Elghawaby’s comments. Trudeau called on her to “explain” them. By Monday, the Quebec government was demanding her resignatio­n. And Pierre Poilievre found the time to craft a video attacking Trudeau for appointing someone he smeared as “anti-Quebec, anti-Jewish and anti-police.”

Poilievre’s attack is particular­ly sleazy. His real target isn’t Elghawaby. She’s just road kill in his assault on the Trudeau government and all its works.

It’s also B.S. The idea that Elghawaby thinks Quebecers are Muslim haters is based on an article she co-wrote in 2019 for the Ottawa Citizen with Bernie Farber, who is a humanright­s activist as well as being Jewish.

They cited a poll showing 88 per cent of Quebecers who hold anti-Muslim views supported Bill 21, and wrote that “unfortunat­ely” most Quebecers seemed at that moment to be swayed “by anti-Muslim sentiment.”

Viewed in the context of the time, when Quebec had just passed the most discrimina­tory law in modern Canadian history, the article is remarkably moderate. It decries the “tyranny of the majority” and ends with an appeal to uphold “basic human rights and dignity” for all.

Elghawaby’s other supposedly offensive comments have also been twisted out of shape. As for being “anti-Jewish,” her appointmen­t was welcomed by the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, the country’s leading Jewish organizati­on, as well as by Irwin Cotler, Canada’s special representa­tive on antisemiti­sm. If she’d taken antiJewish positions, you’d think they’d have noticed.

As a human-rights activist she challenges Canadian complacenc­y, but that hardly disqualifi­es her from serving (in the words of the government’s announceme­nt) as a “champion, adviser, expert and representa­tive” on fighting anti-Muslim hatred. On the contrary.

Nonetheles­s, on Wednesday Elghawaby said she was sorry her words hurt Quebecers.

Some will argue that her appointmen­t is “divisive” — the evidence being the reaction to it in Quebec. But the truth is that while hatred of all sorts knows no political boundaries, there is a particular problem with the way Quebec handles issues of religious tolerance and minorities.

The evidence for that is plain for all to see in Bill 21 itself, which is blatantly discrimina­tory and racist in effect if not in intent. Sure, there’s a complicate­d history behind all this. But if Islamophob­ia can’t be frankly confronted in Quebec, of all places, there’s no point in having a national representa­tive on the issue.

On Monday, and again on Wednesday, the prime minister said Elghawaby will remain in place. That’s absolutely the right decision. In fact, the uproar around her appointmen­t is the best possible demonstrat­ion of the need for putting someone like her in the job.

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