The Woolwich Observer

Almost October, so prime pumpkin time

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cupcakes


THIS WEEK MY SISTERS and my Mom and I went for a daytrip to St. Mary’s, a picturesqu­e town southwest of Stratford. It’s a wonderful time of year to go for a drive in the country – but when isn’t it? – with fall displays and decor popping up everywhere. Have I told you I adore fall decor? I’m guessing I have!

Of course, pumpkins steal the show. The new white pumpkins are becoming quite popular, even showing up in a local grocery store today. Last week, as we were picking small pie pumpkins in the garden, my nephew told me in all seriousnes­s that to grow white pumpkins you have to water them with milk!

I use pumpkin in baking year around, but especially in the fall. Try the Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins in my cookbook on page 13 – they are fabulous! Today’s recipe is Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cupcakes and they are great for breakfast with coffee, school lunches or an anytime snack. This makes a large batch – I got 29 cupcakes – but they freeze well.

4 eggs 2 cups white sugar

1-1/2 cups cooking oil

1 – 14oz. pumpkin

3 cups all purpose flour

1 Tbsp. pumpkin pie spice

2 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt


1 – 250gr. cream cheese, softened

1/3 cup white sugar

1 large egg

3/4 cup chocolate chips

Beat eggs until light and frothy.

Add sugar gradually and continue beating.

Add cooking oil, beat again.

Add pumpkin, and dry ingredient­s. Fold together gently.

Line muffin tins with paper liners.

Fill each one 3/4 full with batter.

For topping, beat cream cheese and sugar until light. Add egg, beat well. Fold in chocolate chips. Top each unbaked cupcake with cream cheese topping. If it appears to be too much, just pile it on. More is better!

Bake at 400º F for about 20 minutes or until no longer jiggly in the middle.

Cool completely, then store in a airtight container.

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