The Woolwich Observer

Glasgow Street bridge reopens


Closed since structural problems were discovered in May, the Glasgow Street bridge is open once again.

Some $18,000 in repairs to the bridge’s deck were needed, as loose boards had rendered the bridge unsafe.

Acting manager of engineerin­g Jared Puppe, providing an update to Woolwich councillor­s meeting this week, said heavy vehicles crossing the span are they likely culprit for the damages. Last replaced in 2009, the deck should have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Instead, too much weight caused premature failure.

He warns continued misuse of the 132-year-old structure could result in its permanent closure. The township will launch a public education program to remind people the bridge is a unique heritage feature that can remain serviceabl­e if drivers obey the five-tonne load limit and observe the one-vehicle-at-a-time rule for crossing the bridge.

“I want to see the bridge stay, but I don’t want to spend a lot of money fixing it if people abuse it,” said Coun. Mark Bauman.

Building a new bridge to replace the current span comes with an estimated price tag of $5-$7 million, well outside the township’s budget plans.

The single-lane structure, built in 1886, is already subject to height and weight restrictio­ns, and has been a growing problem in recent years. Woolwich is exploring options, including closing the bridge. It’s currently carrying out an environmen­tal assessment of the area.

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