The Woolwich Observer

Helping those in need through the coldest nights

Elmira man is one of the “hot dog people” collecting and handing out care items

- Sean Heeger Observer Staff


WHO COULD use a hand throughout the year, but that’s especially true when winter’s bite sets in.

Active all through the year, a group informally known as “the hot dog people” sets up shop biweekly in downtown Kitchener to distribute much-needed items – toiletries and socks, for instance – and food to low-income residents. And, yes, there are hot dogs.

Launched in 2014 after taking on the work of another street ministry, the group of volunteers now stakes out a space in front of TheMuseum every other Tuesday evening to hand out supplies. Right now, that includes hats, gloves, warm clothing and blankets.

Elmira resident John Schaefer joined about three years ago after a friend told him about the initiative. After taking part a few times, he decided this was something he wanted to do regularly. His urge to spread love and help those who do not have the basic necessitie­s has not only kept him coming out, but also taking on additional tasks.

“About three years ago, she (one of his friends who is part of the group) told me what they do and I said ‘oh I might be interested in that.’ So, I went down a few nights and said ‘OK, this can be a regular thing for me,” said Schaefer.

Eventually, his time there speaking with people brought him close friendship­s with those who would come out for items. When he started

asking those people if they required anything more, they started to tell him about the need for jackets and blankets. From there he took up the cause himself and started purchasing the necessary items before getting people to start donating them.

“When I started about three years ago, I think for maybe about a year I would do that and make closer friendship­s and I was just saying ‘is there anything you need?…’ [So] I went to [the] MCC [store] and purchased these items, and then when one got them, and others heard and then I had [to find a way] to be able to keep doing this.”

He says he put a posting in a Facebook group and has since seen things blossom, with the generosity of the community on display – they’ve helped not only by monetary donations but have also been dropping off bags of items to give out to those in need.

Schaefer says items which are needed right now include blankets, gloves, hats, warm pants, heavy sweaters and hoodies, jackets and event sleeping bags.

Since his post, people have been donating items in droves, with some even dropping off multiple bags full of items for the group to hand out. He said he hopes to see this continue because those people with whom he spends every other Tuesday night need help, and asks the community to be generous if they can.

To donate items, contact Schaefer by text at 519-503-6033.

 ?? Sean Heeger ?? A painter, John Schaefer is also a member of the “hot dog people,” a community group dedicated to helping those in need. He’s currently collecting warm clothing, blankets and the like.
Sean Heeger A painter, John Schaefer is also a member of the “hot dog people,” a community group dedicated to helping those in need. He’s currently collecting warm clothing, blankets and the like.

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