The Woolwich Observer

Testing for food allergies and sensitivit­ies


DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have struggled with stomach issues for many years. Is it possible my upset stomach can be an allergy or sensitivit­y to certain foods? I want to feel better, and I am curious about testing that may be available to identify food sensitivit­ies and food allergies.

ANSWER: Gastrointe­stinal issues are challengin­g, and it can be difficult to identify what may be causing you distress. It is important to recognize that food allergies and food sensitivit­ies are not interchang­eable terms.

A food allergy is the body’s immune response where an immunoglob­ulin E antibody, also known as an allergy antibody, binds to an allergy cell.

The allergy cell releases chemicals, namely histamine, that causes a reaction — typically within a few minutes. Though rare, there is the possibilit­y of a delayed reaction of up to two hours after time of contact with the allergen. The most typical allergic reactions include itching, hives, rash, or an anaphylact­ic reaction, where breathing becomes impaired.

Approximat­ely 32 million people in the U.S. have food allergies. The most common allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, fish and crustacean shellfish, wheat, soy, sesame, milk, and eggs.

When someone has difficulty processing or digesting a food properly, that is known as a food intoleranc­e or food sensitivit­y. Intoleranc­e occurs in the intestines, and it is related to how people break down components or enzymes of what they eat. Lactose intoleranc­e, for instance, is a common food sensitivit­y. People who are sensitive to lactose do not have enough enzymes to break down the lactose in food and beverages, which will cause symptoms.

Use a food diary to track what food you had prior to having symptoms. If you note anything in your diet that is different, try taking it out.

There is no immune response in a food intoleranc­e or sensitivit­y, and it does not harm a person. But it can be uncomforta­ble. Symptoms can include extreme bloating, fullness, abdominal pain or cramping, brain fog, headaches, and altered stool patterns of loose stools or constipati­on.

In most situations, a food allergy will cause a more immediate reaction; whereas, food sensitivit­ies may develop over time — anywhere from 30 minutes up to four or five hours later, which is the average time it takes for food to move from the stomach.

It can be challengin­g for some people to determine if they have a food allergy or a sensitivit­y, and a health care profession­al should make the diagnosis.

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