The Woolwich Observer

Corn hole league latest offering from WCS

- Bill Atwood

IN AN EFFORT TO ENGAGE more youth in the township, Woolwich Community Services will be offering kids aged 9-15 a chance to learn the game of cornhole and make some new friendship­s while they’re at it.

In conjunctio­n with the Woolwich Bulldogs, WCS will be offering eight weekly sessions on Thursdays starting tonight (April 11) for Woolwich residents. They will be held at the EDSS small gym from 7-8 p.m. A free dinner will be offered at the WCS youth hub for participan­ts from 5:306:45 p.m.

While the sport may not be the first thing that comes to mind for youth activities, it is one that is growing in popularity, said WCS executive director Kelly Christie.

“It’s fun, has no skill set and it’s just a lot of laughs – that’s what I was just looking for. There are youth cornhole leagues in Ontario, and there are competitio­ns and tournament­s. So who knows where this will take us, or if it will just take us for eight weeks of cornhole from April to May. We’re just trying to offer different, fun stuff for youth,” Christie said.

The goal is to get around 20 participan­ts each week, but WCS will look to expand the program if needed. The idea came out of a survey of youth in the Townships of Woolwich, Wellesley and Wilmot.

“They had talked about how they wanted some physical activities, and how important community engagement is for them,” Christies said

Along with the Bulleven dogs, WCS is also partnering with the Kiwanis Club to coordinate the free meals offered in the program.

WCS is currently examining more ways to engage youth in the township, which will start more in earnest once it hires a new youth coordinato­r.

“Once we have that person on board, there’ll be a lot more initiative. So we want to keep things moving. We still have some youth programmin­g going, so that’s why [we have] all these different partnershi­ps,” Christie said.

 ?? Submitted ?? The Woolwich Wild U11 LL girls won their championsh­ip game Apr. 7, a 10 decision over Waterloo. Back row: assistant coach Mike McCallum, trainer Laura Hood, Cerys Russell, Charley Young, Delilah Woolner, Ila Cressman, Jordyn Herman, head coach Rob Young, trainer Jonathan Denbok. Middle row: Maggie Edwards, Whitney Horst, Kinley Ogram, Bridget Nelson, Josie Hibbard, Callie Shakyaver, Danika McCallum, Ivy Burt. Front row: Harlow Snelling, Ashlynn Reger, Harlee Merner, Mikaela Denbok, Emma Hislop, Emylou Snyder.
Submitted The Woolwich Wild U11 LL girls won their championsh­ip game Apr. 7, a 10 decision over Waterloo. Back row: assistant coach Mike McCallum, trainer Laura Hood, Cerys Russell, Charley Young, Delilah Woolner, Ila Cressman, Jordyn Herman, head coach Rob Young, trainer Jonathan Denbok. Middle row: Maggie Edwards, Whitney Horst, Kinley Ogram, Bridget Nelson, Josie Hibbard, Callie Shakyaver, Danika McCallum, Ivy Burt. Front row: Harlow Snelling, Ashlynn Reger, Harlee Merner, Mikaela Denbok, Emma Hislop, Emylou Snyder.

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