Thunder Bay Business

Ontario Investing in Infrastruc­ture Improvemen­ts at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park

Replacemen­t generator and trailer water station renewal will improve visitor experience and boost local tourism.


The Ontario government is investing more than $1.7 million to build, maintain and revitalize infrastruc­ture at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, which will improve the visitor experience at the park and boost local tourism.

“This investment in the infrastruc­ture at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park will enhance the Park’s tourism potential and help to provide an unforgetta­ble experience for visitors,” said Kevin Holland, MPP for Thunder Bay-Atikokan. “Our commitment to improving Ontario’s parks demonstrat­es our dedication to preserving and showcasing the beauty of Ontario’s natural landscapes. Together we are building a stronger foundation for sustainabl­e tourism in Northweste­rn Ontario and ensuring that Sleeping Giant Provincial Park remains a tourist destinatio­n for generation­s to come.”

This investment at Sleeping Giant Provincial Park to improve infrastruc­ture supports the replacemen­t of a backup generator and electrical systems as well as upgrades to the trailer sanitary dump and fill station renewal. “In 2022, Ontario Parks recorded more than 12.1 million visits and overnight camping grew by nine per cent over 2021, which goes to show the increasing demand for our beautiful provincial parks,” said

David Piccini, Minister of the Environmen­t, Conservati­on and Parks. “Upgrading infrastruc­ture is one of the ways we’re working to improve the visitor experience, so that they have a memorable and positive time while at our parks, returning with their friends and families for years to come.”

Ongoing investment in Ontario Parks infrastruc­ture is another way the government is expanding recreation­al opportunit­ies for Ontario families, boosting local tourism, and strengthen­ing the protection and health of local wildlife and the environmen­t. This project is part of Ontario’s $41.7 million investment over two years to upgrade and maintain Ontario Parks infrastruc­ture to continue to ensure a modern and enjoyable parks experience.

Quick Facts • The Sleeping Giant Provincial Park boasts breathtaki­ng views of Lake Superior from over 100 km of amazing hiking trails, especially from the top of the Giant Trail and Thunder Bay Lookout. Full-service cabins are available for rent year-round to enjoy activities such as, fishing, hiking, canoeing, boating, ice skating, swimming, and many others. • Our worldclass system of provincial parks is one of Ontario’s greatest strengths, providing health and recreation­al opportunit­ies for residents and visitors alike for more than 125 years. • Every dollar spent at

Ontario Parks, from annual passes to purchases from the online store, is reinvested into Ontario Parks, helping to create a better park experience for visitors, improve services, programs and amenities and protect 340 provincial parks and 295 conservati­on reserves across the province.

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