Thunder Bay Business

Snow Birds Put On A Show!

- Publisher’s Note Scott Sumner

Canada’s famed Snowbirds were in Thunder Bay, June 3rd and 4th, to put on a show at the waterfront. I had the “We have 11 Snowbird aircraft and 11 pilots, 17 technician­s, 3 public affairs people, a truck driver and a material management technician that travel to each show” said Erik Temple. “We pilot, meaning I am responsibl­e for conduct of the display, to ensure the sterile air display area is all secure over the waterfront, over seeing the safe conduct of the display.”

The Snowbird jets are a source of pride for the team! The aircraft can do 412 knots or near 800 KM per hour and fly this speed at lower elevations, than say a commercial jet.

“It’s a wonderful airplane, Canadian built and Canadian designed and an absolute joy to fly. It is fully aerobatic, designed as a trainer that the airforce used until the year 2000 when it was replaced by the Harbour 2. It is extremely forgiving and great for aerobatics as well as learning how to fly. Everyday is fun.” smiles Erik.

Mondays the team can get a breather after working all weekend and being in a new city, sometimes two, in a week. Their plan this week is to play golf at Fort William CC.

“The Snowbirds represent not only the airforce but the army and the navy. Our primary role is to recruit people to the military.The Snowbirds can show some of the profession­alism and teamwork that is in the Armed Forces.” said Erik.

This is the best job in the world said Erik who has been in the military for 18 years and joined when he was in high school.

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 ?? ?? opportunit­y to talk to Erik Temple, from Ottawa, who flys Number 10 Snowbird. flew our show over the Waterfront the last two days at noon. I am the safety
opportunit­y to talk to Erik Temple, from Ottawa, who flys Number 10 Snowbird. flew our show over the Waterfront the last two days at noon. I am the safety
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