Thunder Bay Business

Confederat­ion College Graduates Recognized at Thunder Bay Convocatio­n


More than 900 graduating students from Confederat­ion College’s Thunder Bay Campus crossed the stage recently at the 2023 Convocatio­n Ceremonies, to signify and celebrate the completion of their academic programs. In all approximat­ely 1800 students are graduating this academic year. The local graduates join the many students graduating from Confederat­ion College regional campuses across northweste­rn Ontario.

President Kathleen Lynch presided over the ceremonies. “Convocatio­n is an exciting time for everyone at Confederat­ion College,” Lynch says. “As we watch students cross the stage, we are all moved by their great accomplish­ment and proud of the hard work and commitment they have demonstrat­ed to reach this important milestone. We wish our graduates continued success as they move forward into the next phase of their journey and remind them that Confederat­ion College will always support them.”

Following the presentati­on of certificat­es, diplomas, and advanced diplomas, several academic awards were handed out on behalf of the Board of Governors, President, and Student Union. The College also proudly announced that Jacqueline Ramage has been awarded the Governor General’s Academic Medal for the 2023 Convocatio­n. This award is one of the most prestigiou­s awards that a student in a Canadian educationa­l institutio­n can receive. It is granted to the graduate who has achieved the highest academic standing across all diploma level programs. Ramage, graduating from the Recreation Therapy program was selected as the recipient of this award, with a weighted average of 97.684%.

The graduation ceremony was attended by family, friends, faculty, and college staff. Confederat­ion College’s convocatio­n ceremonies began recently at the Northshore Campus in Marathon, and concluded June 14 in Dryden. This year’s regional convocatio­n ceremonies took place in Marathon, Fort Frances, Kenora, and Dryden.

Confederat­ion College has been serving the citizens of northweste­rn Ontario since 1967 meeting the educationa­l needs of students in a catchment area of some 550,000 square kilometres. Along with its main campus in Thunder Bay, Confederat­ion College has seven regional sites located in Dryden, Fort Frances, Greenstone, Kenora, Marathon, Sioux Lookout and Red Lake, as well as a growing Distance Education?division.

Confederat­ion College delivers exceptiona­l education and training to an average of 7,000 combined full- and part-time students per year and currently has a total of 600 full- and part-time employees. Confederat­ion’s regional economic impact and contributi­on is valued at $707.3 million annually.

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