Thunder Bay Business

Lakehead’s Dean of Engineerin­g awarded 2023 Gold Medal by Engineers Canada


Professor Janusz Kozinski, Dean of Engineerin­g at Lakehead University, has received the prestigiou­s Gold Medal Award from Engineers Canada.

The Gold Medal Award, the highest distinctio­n for profession­al engineers in Canada, recognizes the exceptiona­l achievemen­ts of engineers who, through their work and service, have improved the lives of Canadians and others across the world. “I accepted the Gold Medal from Engineers Canada with immense pride and humility. Engineerin­g education is a truly collaborat­ive endeavour and I share this award with everyone, including here at Lakehead University, who has joined me on my journey,” Dr. Kozinski said.

“I wish to pay tribute to my profession­al colleagues, researcher­s and students who have supported me, inspired me and encouraged me throughout my career.”

“I congratula­te Dr. Kozinski on this recognitio­n from Engineers Canada,” said Dr. David Barnett, Lakehead University’s Provost and VicePresid­ent (Academic).

“His contributi­ons to engineerin­g education have truly been transforma­tive. I look forward to his continued leadership of the Faculty as we prepare the next generation of engineers to address engineerin­g challenges in Canada and worldwide.”

Currently Dean of Engineerin­g at Lakehead University, Dr. Kozinski is an internatio­nally renowned higher education leader, researcher, and entreprene­ur with almost three decades of experience in engineerin­g education across the world.

Before joining Lakehead, Kozinski was previously Founding President of the New Model Institute for Technology & Engineerin­g in the UK, Founding Dean of the Lassonde School of Engineerin­g at York University, and Dean of the College of Engineerin­g at the University of Saskatchew­an.

Lakehead University is a fully comprehens­ive university with approximat­ely 9,700 full-time equivalent students and over 2,000 faculty and staff at two campuses in Orillia and

Thunder Bay, Ontario. Lakehead has nine faculties, including Business Administra­tion, Education, Engineerin­g, Graduate Studies, Health & Behavioura­l Sciences, Law, Natural Resources Management, Science & Environmen­tal Studies, and Social Sciences & Humanities. Lakehead University’s achievemen­ts have been recognized nationally and internatio­nally, including being ranked in the top half of Times Higher Education's 2023 World Universiti­es Rankings for the fourth consecutiv­e year, and the number one university in the world with fewer than 10,000 students in THE’s 2022 Impact Rankings (which assesses institutio­ns against the United Nations’ 17 Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals). Visit

 ?? ?? Dr. Kozinski received the Gold Medal at the Engineers Canada Awards ceremony that took place in Halifax on Thursday, May 25.
Dr. Kozinski received the Gold Medal at the Engineers Canada Awards ceremony that took place in Halifax on Thursday, May 25.

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