Thunder Bay Business

Ontario Helping Seniors Stay Healthy


MPP Kevin Holland announced recently the Ontario government continues to

invest in its seniors more than ever before by funding Seniors Community Grants across the province, including providing almost $190,000 in Thunder Bay and area. Seniors Community Grants help seniors stay safe, fit, active, healthy, socially connected, in their community and close to home.

Recipients in Thunder Bay and area include:

• $51,438 for the North McIntyre Recreation Centre

• $48,526 for the West Arthur Community Centre

• $46,238 for the Rural 60 Plus

• $42,700 for the Thunder Bay 55 Plus Centre

“These investment­s make a big difference in the lives of Ontario’s older adults here in the Thunder Bay region,” said Kevin Holland, MPP for Thunder Bay – Atikokan. “Staying connected close to home and safely taking part in local life lets our seniors keep active with friends, family and the community.”

This year, Ontario is investing up to $6 million in more than 280 Seniors Community Grant projects across the province that help local groups and organizati­ons empower seniors to be active and connected to family and friends in their community – from Tai

Chi lessons, lawn bowling and other physical activities, to arts and music appreciati­on, to virtual speakers’ series, day trips, and so much more.

“Seniors Community Grants are keeping our seniors fit, active, healthy and socially connected close to home, in their communitie­s,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibil­ity. “Our government is proud to invest in these projects with local organizati­ons to meet the needs of seniors, provide the supports seniors need and deserve that also help to battle social isolation.”

"By the end of 2023 there will be 3 million Ontarians over the age of 65, the province’s fastest growing demographi­c. It’s more important then ever to invest in seniors. We want to thank the Province of Ontario for investing $190,000 in Thunder Bay as part of the Seniors Community Grant. This will help empower seniors to stay active and be connected to family and friends in their community." – Ken Boshcoff, Mayor for the city Thunder Bay

The Seniors Community Grants Program provides funding ranging from $1,000 up to $25,000 for local projects. Ontario’s Seniors are the province’s fastest growing demographi­c, and by 2046, the number of seniors aged 65 and over is projected to increase significan­tly from 2.7 million, since 2021 to 4.4 million.

June was Seniors Month a time to celebrate older adults across the province. This year’s theme is Working for Seniors.y, Active and Connected Four organizati­ons in Thunder Bay receiving $188,902, through Seniors Community Grant funding.

Kevin Holland, MPP

“It is really important to support our seniors to live a productive and engaged lifestyle through the activity centers which creates longevity for the seniors and a better community for everybody.” “Minister Cho is our 30th Ontario Minister visit to Thunder Bay in the last year, which helps them experience what we need here. We need to celebrate the good news items and opportunit­ies here.” “We recognize what the seniors have done to build our community. It says thank you, we respect you and we want to provide you opportunit­ies to be engaged. You can learn so much from seniors when you engage them.”

Lucy Kloosterhu­is, Mayor Oliver Paipoonge

“These operating funds help us keep our centre open.When we see seniors come to the centre they are smiling and opening up. This country was built by seniors which makes it such a good place to live. In our case there are more seniors and our centre is getting a tad bit small.We hope to be able to expand if we can find the funds. MPP Holland and his government has been so helpful.”

 ?? ?? Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibil­ity, Ontario
Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibil­ity, Ontario
 ?? ?? Kevin Holland, MPP for Thunder Bay – Atikokan.
Kevin Holland, MPP for Thunder Bay – Atikokan.

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