Times Colonist

PUZZLE NO. 11,241



1. Amusing people in the show, it seems (4) 3. Monocle required to look at the tumbler (8) 8. Tidy collection of cattle (4) 9. Motorway in excellent setting having the most traffic lanes? (8) 11. Kind of office for mislaid piece of theatrical equipment (4,8) 13. South African gin for the Persian governor (6) 14. Is obliged with some hesitation to gather the troops (6) 17. Presumably they were often reduced to living on the rocks! (4-8) 20. Correcting the

script, we hear (8) 21. Not working in squalid leg-shows (4) 22. Chaps near at hand are good at odd jobs (8) 23. Amphibian went

astray (4)


1. For the hoisting device, the girl has to turn the handle first (8) 2. Conveyance for variety artist round the north (7) 4. Worry on return about a plant of the milfoil family (6) 5. Completely following the prayer in an elegant way (10) 6. Expert incorrectl­y taped (5) 7. Cause one to be completely fed up! (4) 10. Father or mother in different play, seemingly (10) 12. Could it eventually be enlarged into Half Moon Street? (8) 15. Operated by the

footplatem­an (7) 16. Improvised dance music with eastern beat! (6) 18. The embargo now

includes gas (5) 19. Tree topped for

rustic feature (4)

 ??  ??

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