Times Colonist

Jets training in Arctic

Post-Soviet flights sending message, U.S. admiral says


Fighter jets from Canada and the United States are to practise intercepti­ng foreign aircraft high over the Arctic in the coming days as Russian military flights up to the edge of North American airspace increase.

“This is probably the most active they’ve been since the end of the Cold War,” said Maj.Gen. David Wheeler, commander of 1 Canadian Air Division and the officer overseeing his country’s role in exercise Amalgam Dart.

U.S. Admiral William Gortney, commander of the North American Aerospace Defence Command (Norad), said the Russian military is far better equipped than its Soviet precursor and is being used to send other countries a message.

“It’s not just the frequency. It’s where they’re flying, [although] they’re adhering to internatio­nal standards,” Gortney said Thursday.

Gortney said that at the same time that a Malaysian airliner was shot down over Ukraine last summer, the Russians had military aircraft flying down the English Channel and in the Arctic off Alaska and Yukon.

“They’re messaging us with these flights that they’re a global power — which shouldn’t be a surprise, we [the U.S.] do that too,” Gortney said.

“My concern is, what is their intent if the situation escalates somewhere? How will they employ this capability?

“This is why this exercise is so important.”

U.S. military figures acknowledg­e at least 17 Russian military aircraft approached North American airspace in 2014, including bombers, tankers and fighters. Not all records of such flights are released.

The flights restarted in 2007 and recently increased, said U.S. (Navy) Capt. Jeff Davis.

“We noticed an increase in the number of these flights near North America in 2014, which followed Russia’s incursion into the Ukraine and Crimea,” Davis said in an email.

“Much of the increase in 2014 was due specifical­ly to a spike in the summer that we assess is related to training.”

Amalgam Dart involves 15 aircraft and 300 personnel from the U.S. and Canada flying out of bases in Alaska, the Northwest Territorie­s and Nunavut. The planes include U.S. F-15 Eagles and Canadian CF-18 Hornets, as well as air tankers and surveillan­ce aircraft.

The practice will also make use of Northern Watch, Canada’s electronic surveillan­ce system.

A paper released this week by a military academic suggested the real role of the Canadian Forces in the Arctic will be to support civilian agencies such as the coast guard and the RCMP.

Adam Lajeunesse of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute wrote that open conflict in the North is unlikely and the mere presence of the military does nothing to enhance sovereignt­y.

Wheeler said that might be true, but added that the Air Force is an exception.

Civilian forces can only request that a foreign plane leave Canadian airspace. Fighter jets can escort it out.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to make losses of Russian troops in peacetime a secret.

The decree published on the official government website and signed by Putin on Thursday makes it a state secret to divulge informatio­n about peacetime losses of Russian troops in “special operations.”

The decree comes as evidence of Russian involvemen­t in the conflict in eastern Ukraine is mounting.

 ?? MASTER SGT. CECILIO M. RICARDO, U.S. AIR FORCE ?? A Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornet jet, rear, escorts a Russian TU-95 heavy bomber away from Canadian airspace in this undated photo.
MASTER SGT. CECILIO M. RICARDO, U.S. AIR FORCE A Canadian Air Force CF-18 Hornet jet, rear, escorts a Russian TU-95 heavy bomber away from Canadian airspace in this undated photo.

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