Times Colonist

Experiment­s give different results second time around


NEW YORK — A large group of researcher­s set out to repeat 100 experiment­s published by leading psychology journals to see how often they would get the same results. The answer was less than half the time.

That doesn’t mean all those unconfirme­d studies were wrong.

But it’s a stark reminder that a single study rarely provides definitive answers and why scientists often greet new findings by saying: “More research is needed.”

“Any one study is not going to be the last word,” said Brian Nosek, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia.

“Each individual study has some evidence. It contribute­s some informatio­n toward a conclusion. But the real conclusion, when you can say confidentl­y that something is true or false, is based on an accumulati­on of evidence over many studies,” said Nosek, who led the project.

He told a news conference that “even this project itself is not a definitive word about reproducib­ility.”

The work was carried out by an internatio­nal team of more than 300 people and released this week by the journal Science. The project focused on psychology because its organizers came from that field.

Researcher­s worked with the authors of the original studies in setting up the replicatio­n attempts.

Only about 40 per cent of those attempts produced the original results.

The effort focused on 100 experiment­s reported during 2008 in any of three major psychology journals: Psychologi­cal Science, the Journal of Personalit­y and Social Psychology and the Journal of Experiment­al Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.

None of these experiment­s tested any treatments. They focused on basic research into how people think, remember, perceive their world and interact with others.

One explored why people are reluctant to tempt fate, for example.

Studies with stronger statistica­l evidence for their conclusion­s were more likely to be replicated than others, as were those with findings that were judged to be less surprising.

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